prop at 100mgs EOD to finish off a cycle...
here is my cycle:
500mgs of test... week 1-12
40mgs of Dbol weeks 1-6
400 mgs of eq weeks 1-8 (I know I know... why so short... someone stole the extra bottle from me... I got the money back for it... but couldnt get the eq in time to finsih the cycle... lets just say the kid gave it up after a lil beating)
well I have a month b4 I go away... and I figured a good way to finish off the cycle was to do about a month of prop at 100mgs EOD...
u think that should be good to solidify my gains (got some good gains off this cycle... even though my eq got cut short...)
or should I run some d-bol with it for the last month ??
let me know what u guys think...
oh one more thing... this is my last week of my ****ed up 12 week cycle...
so I would be either runnin the prop by itself or with d-bol...