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Thread: my mass cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    emerald isle

    my mass cycle

    in 4weeks im starting this cycle and would like some constructive criticism please.
    wk 1-12 test enthanate 750mg week
    wk 1-12 norma deca 500mg week
    wk 1-5 anadrol-1st wk 2daily,2nd 2daily,3rd&4th&5th wks 3daily
    wk 1-4 test prop 100mg 5times a week(training days)
    wk 1-5 fina 75mg daily
    wk 1-4 insulin 10iu morn&post workout
    wk 9-12 insulin 10iu morn&post workout
    clen 2weeks on,2weeks off all through cycle
    nolvadex on hand
    might use t3 at lose dosage(12.5 or 25mcg)daily wks 10,11&12 if bodyfat gets too high
    now my questions:i never get gyno and have nolva on hand so could i risk using fina and deca at the same time?
    would fina be more beneficial towards end of cycle?(it is a mass builder take into account but wouldnt hurt to look hard at end of it)
    and finally,where and how much hcg should i use(im new to pct amazingly,5cycles and never used it)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Los Angeles
    did u do your show yet?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Lot of short esters with that drol


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    I would leave the prop and the fina for the end!...those drols are gonna be more than enough to get things going. start the prop and fina at week 11 or 12 and run it for 4 weeks that way you can start your pct's 3 days after your last shot. as for hcg I would take it starting week 4 or 5 and do 5000iu every 2 weeks, or if you can afford it every 5 days, until just a week before you start your clomid. t3 throughout at 25mcg's is a good idea.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    emerald isle
    50mg anadrols,im 5'10,210lbs,low enough bodyfat,ive used 3 anadrols a day before,really respond well to that and slin at the same time,waiting a month for my kit from researchkits,havent emailed me back in a week

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    emerald isle
    mallet you say do t3 all the way through my cycle,will that not hinder muscle growth?what is the purpose of doing it whole way throughmy cycle????thanks

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