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Thread: Need veteran advice...what is best for maintaining muscle while dieting??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Need veteran advice...what is best for maintaining muscle while dieting??

    My question is what is, in your opinion, the best thing for losing fat and keeping muscle. I know clen is an option, but I have heard way too many bad things about it so I am kind of clearing that from my list. Currently I am in my 7th week of a Test Enth/Deca cycle. A friend of mine suggested to just take Test when I start doing more cardio and dieting because it is a good fat burner and will help keep the muscle. Is this true??

    Also, he had suggested that I should just stay on the Test cycle and start doing my cardio and dieting. Is this a good idea or should I finish my cycle (which is 3 more weeks) and then start up later, or should I just keep going??
    He also suggested possibly Fina.

    What are your thoughts on this??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I understand that, and I am well aware of keeping my diet in check for best results. I also know that I have to do cardio which will be started at around 30-45 min and gradually up to 45-60min in the morning and 45 min at night.

    But Im still looking for something to take for insurance I guess. I know I can lose that fat, thats not a problem. I am just looking for something to help keep the muscle so I dont have to go extremely crazy with counting everything I eat and so forth. I know I have to eat clean, but I dont wanna have to go day in and out counting every calorie....With school and work, that is just impossible for me at this point.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    A cage in the Zoo!
    Heres a few things to do while dieting to keep muscle....

    As for drugs, i like prop/fina and if you can igf-1 or GH
    Get in plenty of protein (1.5g per 1lb of bodyweight)
    Dont forget the carbs!! (i like to consume around 150g/ed then once or twice a week load up on 250g (adding in some rice, oatmeal, potatoes etc)
    Use EFA's (i like flax seed and natural peanut butter)

    Other wise hit the gym hard and hit your cardio ed!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    The Asshole Capitol
    When dieting, you can maintain muscle mass by shifting your caloric intake - not by cutting it. Cut carbs and increase protein to replace those calories. Fats should remain the same (low - 15-20% of total calories). That way your muscles will always have enough fuel (assuming diet is good) to maintain themselves when you do your cardio.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Ok, Im leaning towards taking Fina. My only question now is should I just keep going from my current cycle or should I wait till its over and take time off??

    One more thing, Since im already on Test Enth, what if I just kept taking the Test, would that help with burning that fat and keeping muscle??
    Last edited by NeedPaintoGain; 02-04-2004 at 09:54 AM.

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