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What kind of Var do you have? I thought injectable Var was pretty rare. If you've got it it would be great to mix it in the same syringe to dilute the Prop. Should cut way down on the Prop Pain.
I'm just starting week five of 100mg/every 36 hours and 40mg Denkall Var (oral) right now and those Prop shots are TORTURE. Everyone sez if you mix them with something else, it cuts the pain way down. I just got some sterile oil in so I may try that. They don't hurt at first but it feels like you've been hit hard with a baseball bat about twenty times after like 8 hours. I've been limping around for weeks. At least that's my experience with QV Prop.
The rule of thumb for injection times is minimum 1/2 the half life (thanks to Ichabodcrane for this info). Since the half life of Prop is 4.5 days, theoretically eod shots should be fine. (The half life of oral Var is 9 hours.)
Most people say Prop is kinda rough for beginners since the shots are so frequent. Personally I think it could be a good way to see how you respond to test. You can adjust the dosage up or down as you go along in case you're gettting too many sides or not enough response and tell pretty quickly how it's working.
Keep in mind it does take a few weeks to start having effects -I didn't notice much myself til week four.