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Thread: someone send help my way

  1. #1

    someone send help my way

    Hey Whats Goin On. My Name Is Dan. I Recently Was Seperated From The Navy While I Was Undergoing Seal Training For Bull**** Reasons. Dont Worry I Aint A Pyscho Or Anything, It Was A No Fault Honorable Discharge. I Already Have A Ranger/green Beret Contract For The Army And Leave At The End Of April. Until Then I Feel The Need To Gain All The Weight I Had Lost From Training With The Seals. I Wanna Do Things Right This Time And Go In Huge And Shredded. I Have A 40 Day Cycle Of Winni V And A 30 Day Cycle Of Anadrol 50. Should I Stack These Two At The Same Time, Or Take The Anadrol First, Then After I M Done Right After That Do The Cycle Of Winni V. Someone Help Me Out With This Please. I Appreciate Those Who Took The Time To Read This Post, And Even More To Those Who Help Me Out. Thanks Again And Best Wishes!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    get some test and run it 10-12 weeks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    well, I wouldn't consider an anadrol/winny stack doing it right. I'd check out test prop/winny, that may be more up your alley. You could theoretically run 1 bottle of each as in 100mg prop eod/50mg winny ed if it was winny100. You wouldn't see the best gains in the world but they would be solid and keepable.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Your liver would pop with a cycle of winny and A50....
    I would sell of that stuff and get your sh!t in gear.......train hard/run hard/eat hard/and sleep hard. With the money you get from selling the gear buy a few 5lb cans of whey and some will work for you....but have all the variables in check as I listed above.

    Good luck getting your r tab.....


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Bugtussell, Arkansas

    Quote Originally Posted by dladz42
    Hey Whats Goin On. My Name Is Dan. I Recently Was Seperated From The Navy While I Was Undergoing Seal Training For Bull**** Reasons.
    What's Seal training? I didn't know they trained seals in the navy. I've seen them in the zoo before. Some of them were pretty well trained. I didn't know the navy trained any. I was a CWO2 in the Navy and never heard of the navy training seals.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by stengun

    What's Seal training? I didn't know they trained seals in the navy. I've seen them in the zoo before. Some of them were pretty well trained. I didn't know the navy trained any. I was a CWO2 in the Navy and never heard of the navy training seals.

    was that a joke?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    LI, NY kidd!!
    first off your taking two totally different compounds that do two totally different things...anadrol 50 is for bulking no doubt about that.....and winny is for cutting/hardening...anadrol simply defeats the purpose of taking the winny b/c there is so much water retention from this compound...if this is a first cycle i wouldn't be using harsh oral androgens such as anadrol for my first cycle....i would go with something like 500 mgs of test E.....monday and thursday shots....for 10-12 weeks....followed by PCT....research bro reasearch.....good luck

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Bugtussell, Arkansas
    Howdy 50%,

    Quote Originally Posted by 50%Natural
    was that a joke?

    Noone who's ever been in BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolation/ Seal) calls it seal training. There's no such thing as seal training, only at the zoo.

    Makes you wonder, don't it?


    P.S. The show on Discovery about seal training and the movie GI Jane ARE NOT REAL!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    nah, it made me laugh, but i don't buy any of that crap in hollywood anyway

  10. #10

    read this smart guy

    Quote Originally Posted by stengun
    Howdy 50%,

    Noone who's ever been in BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolation/ Seal) calls it seal training. There's no such thing as seal training, only at the zoo.

    Makes you wonder, don't it?


    P.S. The show on Discovery about seal training and the movie GI Jane ARE NOT REAL!!
    I was caught by camptain moran at RTC(YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IS) in great lakes before i was to go to SAN DIEGO. i wasnt in BUDS yet. Cant refer to pre buds training to basically anythign else and i wanted peole to understand basically what it was to eliminate post that ask what buds was. Thanks to everyone who helped me out tho. much appreciated

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    hmm sorry bro but im a former special forces person myself and once separated for so called bull **** reasons another branch will not just pick you up....just makes me wonder....anyways no that would not be a smart move to take anadrol and winny alone.

  12. #12

    you dont know what you are talking about

    Quote Originally Posted by BIG21
    hmm sorry bro but im a former special forces person myself and once separated for so called bull **** reasons another branch will not just pick you up....just makes me wonder....anyways no that would not be a smart move to take anadrol and winny alone.
    If you dont believe this research it yourself BRO. The navy has a new tattoo policy that prohibits anyone form serving a second enlistment or to reenlist if they have tattoos that exceend 25% of a body part, or have tattoos that are gang affiliated or inappropriate. check it out for your self. And if another branch of service does not have the same policy, joining is no problem. unless i was a 2311 (nuts and bolts) or a 2307 (drugs and thugs) joining another branch would be a problem. Kinda makes you wonder that just because someone was special forces, they think they know everything. BUt thanks anyway.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    OK, lets forget about special forces training and concentrate on helping him with his question.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Bugtussell, Arkansas

    I'll give you the benefit of the dought. You don't need to be huge for SF training. The smaller you are, to a point, the easier it is for you. When I was in the service I was 6' 1 3/4" and 215 lbs and for alot the stuff that we had to do I was just too big. My partner was 5' 9" 175lbs and it was easier from him to get through some of stuff we had to go through. I was too tall and too wide. Work on strenght and endurence.

    Try a test cycle.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    yep when i was in with all the running that we did while i was juicing caused me to have severe leg cramps and and couldnt move well at all with all of the extra weight i was putting my o2 for your situation would be to steer clear of the juice

  16. #16

    thanks a lot for the info

    Quote Originally Posted by BIG21
    yep when i was in with all the running that we did while i was juicing caused me to have severe leg cramps and and couldnt move well at all with all of the extra weight i was putting my o2 for your situation would be to steer clear of the juice
    Thanks a lot for the info. I mean i was just looking to gain some weight and bulk before i go so the weight loss i will endure when i go through training will be less tremendous and less of a shock to me. I never got a chance to go to SAn diego so I will take it from a person with SF background without any questions asked. I am sure i can get rid of the juice quick and for what i bought it for ocnsidering it has never been used and is still sealed. thanks a lot fellas i really appreciate the time you guys took to answer my questions. take care and best wishes!

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