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Thread: Leaning out with Dbol?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Question Leaning out with Dbol?

    Ok i have 500 5mg tabs of dbol...Right now id like to start leaning out.I've had a pretty successful winter and have reached all my goals (or exceeded them) Only problem i have is well i need to start cutting down. I pretty much have my diet writen out and have had success with it in the past years. Right now i still have the dbol left. I was wondering if i took it with a diet if they could help me at all. I realize dbol isnt known for cutting up and ive used it a little bit prior to gain some size..I dont really have a good constant source to go out and get any winny or clen so im pretty much stuck with what i have. Is there anyway i can make this work??? If so how many should i take per day? I do have clomid that i was planning on taking at the end of the dbol cycle. Thanks for any suggestions!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    hmmmm? I dont like dbol only cycles. There are alot of people who do and if you are one of the ones who do then I would say go ahead and do it. Personally, I dont have to be cut when I am cutting. I love using creatine while cutting. As long as the final results are good. You wont be cut while you are using the dbol, in fact you will probobly be pretty smooth, but after you are done and cut all the water weight then you should be a little bigger than you would of if you didnt use it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Behind Ur booty
    good good good, dbol of all is not the gear you use for leaining out. It is quite the opposite. Dbol is 17c alkalated thus very toxic to the liver and is only used to kick start a cycle before the real test kicks in. this gear can have permanent damage on the liver. Dianabol converts to estrogen, in turn, bloats you like a pig. I dont see doing an entire cycle of dbol. You could I guess. Most members on this board stress not to do dbol longer than 4 weeks. Some say 5 weeks, some say 6 weeks. It's debatable. Bottom line is not very long, not any longer than what you would do a real cycle of test like 12 weeks on. Save your dbol, wait around on the board and make some friends, build some trust. Someone will spill out a reputable source for you and you will not regret waiting trust me. If you want to lean out. STAY...OFF....THE...DBOL....

    hope this helped...LMR

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    **** you guys reply fast! Well i was considering doing it for maybe four weeks or so..Im **** near all natural ive tried a little bit in my life but not much..If i get bloated too bad ill be ok..I'm 22 and im stuck on 485@235 on my bench..I'm even debating on not cutting til i get to 500..I was just shooting for 450 this winter and i got farther then what i ever thought...Now im just greedy.I have a friend with some clen i could prolly get off him but could i see any noticeable results with 50 tabs of it? Thanks for all the help guys i appreciate it..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Def dpn't cut on d-bol, most imo a d-bol only cycle won't do much for you but it will for sure bloat you, you'll gain wieght but most of it is water, d-bol is usaully used to kickstart a cycle, it will give you rapid weight and strenght gains but if taken by itslef most of the gains will be lost once you stop taking it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Well, like everyone has said. You most definitely will bloat on DBOL (all of which you will lose as soon as your quit) But, your strength will go through the roof. But, I would NEVER EVER suggest running a DBOL only cycle, and I certainlly wouldn't suggest it while trying to cut. That makes NO sense!

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