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Thread: deca, testoviron, winstrol

  1. #1

    Question deca, testoviron, winstrol

    how would you set up this cycle:

    30 amps fast acting deca 100mg
    25 amps testoviron 250mg
    500 winny tabs

    I kind of want to spread it over 3 months.

  2. #2
    I left out one thing 20 100mg amps of primobolin when should I start that.
    thanks for the help.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Need mor info on you...age, stats, cycle experience....

    But, I can tell you that you need to do more research!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    research some cycles and come to us with a plan that we can cant all be spoon fed to you...everyone needs to put in some time...

  5. #5
    who said anything about being spoon fed. I just want other peoples opinions aswell. I'm 21 about 6'3, 205 at about 10% body fat. I've been training sice I was 16 and start juicing in the year when i was 19 and I 've done 2 since

    deca - 300mg a week 1-8 200mg 8-12
    testoviron - 500mg a week 1-8
    primo - 400mg a week 8-12
    winny tabs - 40 to 50mg a day week 8 -14

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    alright i'll help you, first no need for primo unless you personally feel you need it

    1-12wks 500mg test
    1-11wks 300mg deca
    9-14wks 50mg winny ed
    pct on wk 15
    that would be a cycle I'd is up to you but it seems like you don't know what you are doing...dump the primo for more deca or test. That is what i'd do, up to you though
    Last edited by 50%Natural; 02-03-2004 at 06:58 PM.

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