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Thread: Enlarged Heart

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Enlarged Heart

    My last checkup with a doctor he said I had an enlarged heart. My heart was oversized before I had open heart surgery to plug a hole between the chambers that I had from the day I was born. The dr's said as soon as they plugged it it shrunk to the size it was supposed to be, this is when I was 19. About 3 months ago I had my heart checked out just to be safe and he said my heart appeared a little enlarged but not to worry and that he'd just keep an eye on it.

    Anyone else have this "enlarged heart" and if you worry or do anything about it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    AAS use can cause an enlarged heart

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I dont know about all of you, but if I had an "enlarged" heart I would avoid AAS. I dont know if this is what you want to hear or not but I am assuming it is cuz its in the Steroid Question area. Again, I am not being an ass in any way but if you are considering AAS, talk to your doctor about it first brother.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Gothenburg in Sweden
    have you used or are you using ASS ??

  5. #5
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    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by SGFuryZ
    AAS or not, exercise alone can thicken the heart's walls...
    EXACTLY! Dont let the doc scare you. Make sure the nurse, or whoever took the xray correct also. I have had some idiot doctor tell me before that my heart was enlarged, and that i was 25lbs overweight! (he then asked me to lift my shirt, and saw my abs ...then he was quiet and buried his head in his charts) I was 6', 205lbs at around 8%bf at the time.

    I have also had an idiot nurse take my bloodpressure with a small cuff...then thought i had high blood pressure! I didnt realize this at the time, and the doc even had me prescribed to meds for it! Looking back at all this really makes me mad. bottom line, take some docs opinions who are ignorant about health(shouldnt this be an oxymoron?) with a grain of salt.

  6. #6
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    Dec 2001
    Most likely my enlarged heart was caused by the problem I had before that had the heart working overtime and the doc said I was lucky to be alive. Had my heart surgery at Johs Hopkins and the surgeon said he'd give my heart a 110% go because it looked great and a dr looked directly at it.

    I have used AS before and just started another cycle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I do think in your case this is something I would discuss with my doctor. Normally I am hesitant to give that advice but your situation is a little different then most.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I agree completely. From what I've read an enlarged heart happens naturally in people who are either overweight or involved in heavy regular cardio -in both cases it's adapting to increased stress.

    But since you began with a congenital problem it seems to me only your doctor would know what your heart can or can't handle. (And by doctor, I'm thinking cardiologist.)

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by johnsomebody
    I agree completely. From what I've read an enlarged heart happens naturally in people who are either overweight or involved in heavy regular cardio -in both cases it's adapting to increased stress.

    But since you began with a congenital problem it seems to me only your doctor would know what your heart can or can't handle. (And by doctor, I'm thinking cardiologist.)
    Youre doc should know whats best for you. I would urge you to go ahead and get two opinions though. I have had a terrible cardiologist in the past...didnt know an aorta from an ass crack.
    Best of luck

  10. #10
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    On the End of a Needle
    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette
    EXACTLY! Dont let the doc scare you. Make sure the nurse, or whoever took the xray correct also. I have had some idiot doctor tell me before that my heart was enlarged, and that i was 25lbs overweight! (he then asked me to lift my shirt, and saw my abs ...then he was quiet and buried his head in his charts) I was 6', 205lbs at around 8%bf at the time.

    I have also had an idiot nurse take my bloodpressure with a small cuff...then thought i had high blood pressure! I didnt realize this at the time, and the doc even had me prescribed to meds for it! Looking back at all this really makes me mad. bottom line, take some docs opinions who are ignorant about health(shouldnt this be an oxymoron?) with a grain of salt.
    xray????????? you cant see a heart on a xray!......i would say no to should not even consider

  11. #11
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    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by jbol
    xray????????? you cant see a heart on a xray!......i would say no to should not even consider
    have you ever looked at an xray of the chest?

  12. #12
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    On the End of a Needle
    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette
    have you ever looked at an xray of the chest?

    yes i have and you cannot see the entire heart through an xray,you use an ekg for the cannot possibly diagnose a heart through an xray.

  13. #13
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    Dec 2001
    Saying no to aas from my situation is what you'd think is the obvious answer without having the education to really know. It's almost like saying don't run because it makes your heart beat faster. My heart is good just a "little" enlarged. If I was juicing 3 times a year, every year, then that would be stupid probably, but personally I think that's bad for anyone.

    I got a buddy who had the surgery as an infant and he's done many more cycles than me, but he never goes to the doctor.

  14. #14
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    On the End of a Needle
    Quote Originally Posted by jcshack
    Saying no to aas from my situation is what you'd think is the obvious answer without having the education to really know. It's almost like saying don't run because it makes your heart beat faster. My heart is good just a "little" enlarged. If I was juicing 3 times a year, every year, then that would be stupid probably, but personally I think that's bad for anyone.

    I got a buddy who had the surgery as an infant and he's done many more cycles than me, but he never goes to the doctor.
    ive got the education to know,and im sorry its not what you want to hear,but i really would stay away from aas......good luck with whatever you decide.

  15. #15
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    Dec 2001
    Do you know the medical name for having a hole in the heart between the lower 2 chambers. I mainly want to know because I forget.

    I've done 3 cycles since this surgery and no problems, well who knows technically but that goes for just about everyone.

  16. #16
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    Dec 2001
    Found it ASD or VSD I can't remember if it was upper or lower chamber though. Think upper now.

    Of course I don't want to hear that I shouldn't do it when my head is set on it and I just started. So I will just continue to say you're wrong

    My question was though for anyone who had an enlarged heart and if they do anything for it.

  17. #17
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    On the End of a Needle
    Quote Originally Posted by jcshack
    Found it ASD or VSD I can't remember if it was upper or lower chamber though. Think upper now.

    Of course I don't want to hear that I shouldn't do it when my head is set on it and I just started. So I will just continue to say you're wrong

    My question was though for anyone who had an enlarged heart and if they do anything for it.
    i understand bro,i was thinking the term was mitral,but could be wrong,anyways i dont have an enlarged heart so i really cant help you.....but i do wish the best of luck to you....

  18. #18
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    Dec 2002
    jbol I think is exactly right !!! Stay away from AAS in my opinion... I would want The forum DOC to read this. Iam pre-med (which really doesnt mean anything until med school), I dont know as much as the forum Doc, but I read about Cardiomyopathy and its a seroius issue. But like someone here said already any athlete could have a heart larger than normal because they put a lot of workload on it. How many ounces is it, do you know ??? Do you have shortness of breath ? Anyway, I wouoldnt take the chance, but it looks like you'v done 3 cycles after your surgery. atleast you stay away from HGH...

  19. #19
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    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Ammar
    I dont know about all of you, but if I had an "enlarged" heart I would avoid AAS. I dont know if this is what you want to hear or not but I am assuming it is cuz its in the Steroid Question area. Again, I am not being an ass in any way but if you are considering AAS, talk to your doctor about it first brother.
    I second that.

  20. #20
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    Jan 2004

    mitral valve prolapse

    Quote Originally Posted by jbol
    i understand bro,i was thinking the term was mitral,but could be wrong,anyways i dont have an enlarged heart so i really cant help you.....but i do wish the best of luck to you....

    Whats up bro, I am new to the site and I have been reading some threads and I found this one. I have a small case of mitral valve prolapse and I have juiced twice before. I haven;t had a problem, but was wondering if you or anyone had some good info on it! Thanks

  21. #21
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    I have heard of more than one instance where a pre-med student caught a mistake a doc made.RN's do it all the time.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcshack
    Found it ASD or VSD I can't remember if it was upper or lower chamber though. Think upper now.

    Of course I don't want to hear that I shouldn't do it when my head is set on it and I just started. So I will just continue to say you're wrong

    My question was though for anyone who had an enlarged heart and if they do anything for it.

    asd= atrial septal defect , vsd= ventricle septal defect

  23. #23
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    On the End of a Needle
    Quote Originally Posted by SP1
    Whats up bro, I am new to the site and I have been reading some threads and I found this one. I have a small case of mitral valve prolapse and I have juiced twice before. I haven;t had a problem, but was wondering if you or anyone had some good info on it! Thanks
    mitral valve prolapse is a failure of one or both leaflets to fit together resulting in displacement of an involved leaflet edged toward the atrium during systole ,in other words the valve does not open or close correctly allowing blood to flow back into the atrium.

  24. #24
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    Dec 2001
    Finally got the nerve to talk to my cardiologist. He looked and my post surgery report and the recent check on my heart where it said it was enlarged. He said it appears it's the same size as after surgery and that the aas is not causing any extra enlarging.

    Then the parenting came in....he said I have 2 opinions to give you...first the responsible dr report "Drugs are bad and abused, and with a past heart condition why risk it?" then he said "I think you'll be fine with the amount you're taking and the period of time isn't too long to be considered abuse and that my enlarged heart isn't an extreme case just something to keep an eye on and that if you feel any pain or dizzyness come in right away".

    That was cool as hell to hear from the dr. He also talked and said if I wear a "muscle" freak he'd say no since he's sure that my heart would be under a lot of stress.

    I quess when I say enlarged heart you all think of the worse, like I'm some half-tard. Everyone of us technically has a reason known/unknown to not do aas for the risks, but we're all risking it.

  25. #25
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    Sin City
    Quote Originally Posted by jbol
    yes i have and you cannot see the entire heart through an xray,you use an ekg for the cannot possibly diagnose a heart through an xray.

    yes you can... its pretty easy to pick up certain cardiomyopathies on xray.... but a solid diagnosis also requires an ekg and an echo.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbol
    mitral valve prolapse is a failure of one or both leaflets to fit together resulting in displacement of an involved leaflet edged toward the atrium during systole ,in other words the valve does not open or close correctly allowing blood to flow back into the atrium.

    True! It is only one and when I checked it last it had gotten better, almost perfect the doc said, weird! You seem to know what your talking about. Is their anything I should stay away from? I had asked someone once and they said it would not affect it! What do you think? I appreciate the response bro, thatnks!

  27. #27
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    On the End of a Needle
    Quote Originally Posted by jcshack
    Finally got the nerve to talk to my cardiologist. He looked and my post surgery report and the recent check on my heart where it said it was enlarged. He said it appears it's the same size as after surgery and that the aas is not causing any extra enlarging.

    Then the parenting came in....he said I have 2 opinions to give you...first the responsible dr report "Drugs are bad and abused, and with a past heart condition why risk it?" then he said "I think you'll be fine with the amount you're taking and the period of time isn't too long to be considered abuse and that my enlarged heart isn't an extreme case just something to keep an eye on and that if you feel any pain or dizzyness come in right away".

    That was cool as hell to hear from the dr. He also talked and said if I wear a "muscle" freak he'd say no since he's sure that my heart would be under a lot of stress.

    I quess when I say enlarged heart you all think of the worse, like I'm some half-tard. Everyone of us technically has a reason known/unknown to not do aas for the risks, but we're all risking it.

    i agree and disagree,i agree that we are all risking,and disagree that we think your a "half-tard"(i dont anyways).that is good that you were straight and honest about everything with your cardiologist.i wish you the best bro.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by sinista63
    yes you can... its pretty easy to pick up certain cardiomyopathies on xray.... but a solid diagnosis also requires an ekg and an echo.

    i agree you can pick up certain cariomyopathies on a xray,but i have yet to know a cardiologist(and i know alot)that would simply diagnose off a xray without an ekg.
    Last edited by jbol; 02-07-2004 at 04:53 PM.

  29. #29
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    AZ to MA...depends on whe
    Quote Originally Posted by johnsomebody
    I agree completely. From what I've read an enlarged heart happens naturally in people who are either overweight or involved in heavy regular cardio -in both cases it's adapting to increased stress.

    But since you began with a congenital problem it seems to me only your doctor would know what your heart can or can't handle. (And by doctor, I'm thinking cardiologist.)
    I've actually read a bunch of studies that compared weightlifters using AS with those not using AS, and also compared to non-athletes. The majority of articles showed no significant difference in the amount of heart enlargements between the weightlifting groups...however, the non-athletes had more normal sized hearts. They controlled for other lifestyle issues as well as body composition (in some of the studies)...basically the take home message was that weight training can lead to an enlarged heart, and in most cases, AS will not exacerbate this condition significantly.

    jc...good decision on talking to your cardiologist...sounds like this guy knows his stuff and is pretty good. Good luck with everything.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by SP1
    True! It is only one and when I checked it last it had gotten better, almost perfect the doc said, weird! You seem to know what your talking about. Is their anything I should stay away from? I had asked someone once and they said it would not affect it! What do you think? I appreciate the response bro, thatnks!

    glad to hear that it had gotten better.chances are short term use of aas,probably wont effect it,but long term use is probably not a good idea(of course its probably not a good idea for anyone),as stated by jcshack above we are all risking.i guess the reason i stated that he shouldnt even consider was because you only have one heart and if you know there is something wrong before using aas,then why would you take the risk.same goes for you, i dont want to say "sure youll be ok"and then you have more problems.i do wish you and jc shack the best....good luck in your decision.

  31. #31
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    one more thing jcshack and sp1,although i really believe cardio is a good thing,if you are on aas, i would take it easy on the is controversial whether cardio is good on aas or not,givin your conditions i would try to take it easy if on aas, also would take it easy on stimulants(clen,ephedrine,ect.).........JMO good luck bros
    Last edited by jbol; 02-07-2004 at 03:35 PM.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbol
    glad to hear that it had gotten better.chances are short term use of aas,probably wont effect it,but long term use is probably not a good idea(of course its probably not a good idea for anyone),as stated by jcshack above we are all risking.i guess the reason i stated that he shouldnt even consider was because you only have one heart and if you know there is something wrong before using aas,then why would you take the risk.same goes for you, i dont want to say "sure youll be ok"and then you have more problems.i do wish you and jc shack the best....good luck in your decision.

    Thanks alot bro! When I star now it will be low dose and 8-10weeks. I probably won't do one again until next year so I think I'll be fine! Thanks Again! By the way I was thinking of doing 20 primos and a 2 months of anavar! Some on the site thought I should do primo and prop! Do you have any input you can give me!

  33. #33
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    On the End of a Needle
    Quote Originally Posted by SP1
    Thanks alot bro! When I star now it will be low dose and 8-10weeks. I probably won't do one again until next year so I think I'll be fine! Thanks Again! By the way I was thinking of doing 20 primos and a 2 months of anavar! Some on the site thought I should do primo and prop! Do you have any input you can give me!
    1st cycle?
    Last edited by jbol; 02-07-2004 at 03:52 PM.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    If I die, I will send the rest of my stash to you jbol. Well you can come pick it up.

    Thanks for the good luck I think I'll be ok though.

  35. #35
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    On the End of a Needle
    Quote Originally Posted by jcshack
    If I die, I will send the rest of my stash to you jbol. Well you can come pick it up.

    Thanks for the good luck I think I'll be ok though.

    lets hope that dont happen.......thanks for the thought though...

  36. #36
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    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jbol
    1st cycle?

    I did one last year, Deca, Primo and 6 months before I had taken 20 Anadrols, but I didn't know what I was doing. It was dumb of me I was working as a Bartender so I was drinkinkg often and eating whatever. I know how to diet now and I am serious with the workout.Iam lucky nothing happen. I just had liver work done and bloodwork and everything is cool! I am 5'11 and way 192 with 11%body fat. I want to start in march for summer, I could probably get to 197-205 by that time. I dont want to gain 20 lbs or anything 8-12 would be straight with me!

  37. #37
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    On the End of a Needle
    Quote Originally Posted by SP1
    I did one last year, Deca, Primo and 6 months before I had taken 20 Anadrols, but I didn't know what I was doing. It was dumb of me I was working as a Bartender so I was drinkinkg often and eating whatever. I know how to diet now and I am serious with the workout.Iam lucky nothing happen. I just had liver work done and bloodwork and everything is cool! I am 5'11 and way 192 with 11%body fat. I want to start in march for summer, I could probably get to 197-205 by that time. I dont want to gain 20 lbs or anything 8-12 would be straight with me!

    i think, primo and prop would be a good idea.....JMO,and thats good you had blood work done before starting...

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbol
    i think, primo and prop would be a good idea.....JMO,and thats good you had blood work done before starting...

    Thanks for the help bro!Let you know what happens!

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    Sin City
    Quote Originally Posted by jbol
    i agree you can pick up certain cariomyopaties on a xray,but i have yet to know a cardiologist(and i know alot)that would simply diagnose off a xray without an ekg.
    i concur

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