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Thread: The 10 Day Cycle?????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    New York

    The 10 Day Cycle?????

    Just picked up the new MD magazine and read the article about some guys 10 day cycle. Wanted to know if anyone else read this, and what you think.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Southern California
    Yeah i read it. I dont think that it is the best of ideas. I am a big advocate of moderate dossages for long peroids of time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    theres no way 10 days will produce keepable gains...maybe some water but thats it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    I see a lot of misconceptions of what constitutes a"short cycle"going on lately.I constantly hear so and so talk about"Yeah,I'm planning on doing a short cycle that will consist of four weeks of test".This is missing the whole benificial strategem behind this newer"fad"type of cycling,and I'll explain why that is--2 WEEKS is the maximum one should be"on",for the following reasons:In the first two weeks of high androgen levels,pituitary response to Leutenizing-Hormone-Releasing-Hormone(LHRH)not only does not decrease,it actually IMPROVES(Which basically means your pituitary is sensitized,and therefore leutinizing hormone output is increased,which is obviously quite benificial).BUT-AFTER THE 2 WEEK POINT:The pituitary rapidly becomes unresponsive to L-H-R-H.Thus,both the Hypothalamus(which produces L-H-R-H)and the Pituitary(which produces Leutenizing Hormone)are now in a state of inhibition,and must ride out a longer recovery process.The moral here is,from a SUPPRESSIONAL standpoint--You guys that are stretching your cycles out past the two week point might as well just do the standard 8 week cycles,since full inhibition has already occurred.If kept to 14 days and under,recovery is almost immediate,as only the hypothalamus has to recover,not the pituitary.Here's some helpful hints for staying within the time frame,thus reaping the benifits behind this particular method of cycle:Stick to orals and injectibles with short acting esters.Any of the orals are acceptable as they all have fast clearance times out of the body.Suitable injectibles include:Suspensions(Aqueous,Winstrol)acetates,prop ionates,and phenylpropionates.Hope this clears up some of the misconceptions and helps any of you fellas thinking about experimenting with this method in the future.---Huck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    good post razor...but i still dont think its very logical...maybe if you did like 20 of these 2 week cycles a year it would do some good...but i wouldnt ever try it...i guess im to stubborn to broaden my horizons

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    New york
    I Love Jms

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    a guy on MT ran a cycle like this..

    day 1: 150mg tren 200mg prop
    days 2-12: 75mg tren 100mg prop
    days 1-13: dbol
    days 1-13: winny

    dont remember the doses on the dbol and winny but claims to have put on 15lbs.
    ive never tried one of these short cycles and havent really done much research on them so i really dont have an opinion... just found it interesting.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    bout my money
    im actually doing a shortie right now, im on my second week of 5
    cycles like this
    week 1-3 75mg/eod Tren (not homebrew)
    week 1-5 400 mg/wk of EQ
    every 4th day 250 I.U. HCG
    starting week 7 clomid PCT.
    even in such a short time i feel the tren working. i guess ill see how it is after PCT.

    ive never done EQ or Tren but i know my body usually shows change fast and reacts very will to any stimulant for BB

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003
    To those people who say short cycles dont work. At one time, those same people were saying PYRAMID CYCLES work. Then came new studies and such that showed, loading up and such was not a good idea. Just comes with the times. Out with old and in with new. Once the new is widely accepted, the old ways are made fun of. One day, the 12 week cycle will be a thing of the past.

  10. #10
    Thats absurd, unless your talking about T-3 or DNP.

    10 Day cycles is nothing more a hormonal roller coaster ride.

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