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Thread: 1cc of deca stackedw/ 1cc of sus

  1. #1

    1cc of deca stackedw/ 1cc of sus

    planning on starting a 12 week cycle of deca with sustenol with 1 shot once a week any recomandations. How often or how much blockers should i be taking?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    first off you didn't state the dosage per ml, assume the sust is 250, also either way this is too low of dose, the sust injections would be too far apart to take advantage of all the tests.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    In da Lac ridin on dubs
    Quote Originally Posted by disturbed2483
    planning on starting a 12 week cycle of deca with sustenol with 1 shot once a week any recomandations. How often or how much blockers should i be taking?
    Do you mean sustanon, you have to take more than one shot a week. You need to take 500mg a week of sustanon. Switch the deca for equipose since it is you first cycle. I shoot sust every 3-4 days giving me 500mgs a week. You should search the forums and find guys that have already set up good cycles then research and find out what will best accomplish the goals you want to achieve.

  4. #4
    well its deca-300, sustanon-250, any feedack is appreciated

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    In da Lac ridin on dubs
    Quote Originally Posted by disturbed2483
    well its deca-300, sustanon-250, any feedack is appreciated
    I figured that bro, you HAVE TO RUN MORE TEST THAN DECA. How mush gear do you have.

  6. #6
    well the suply is not the prob so what would you recommned?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    In da Lac ridin on dubs
    Quote Originally Posted by disturbed2483
    well the suply is not the prob so what would you recommned?
    I personally would go with 500mgs of sustanon a week and 300mg of deca a week. You should get some nolvadex to take throughout the entire cycle. I take 10mgs a day, some take 20mgs. Also get some clomid for PCT. Start the clomid 2 weeks after last shot.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    In da Lac ridin on dubs
    If you could get winstrol I would through that in as well for the last four weeks of the cycle at 50mgs a day. That is just my personal recommendation, I LOVE winstrol.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    adrenaline high
    Quote Originally Posted by disturbed2483
    well the suply is not the prob so what would you recommned?
    first, i recommend filling out your profile. how old are you, how many cycles, height, weight, etc..
    next, if this is your first cycle(a cycle of andro doesn't count) and supply isn't a problem, most knowledgeable people on the board will tell you to go with a long acting ,single ester test like test enanthate or test cypionate.
    you can run test alone and get great results. there is a WEALTH of knowledge on the board about newbie cycles. use the search button and look at the drug profiles on the AR homepage. there is a lot to know before diving into AS use. you need to do more than "get clomid for PCT". there are specific times and dosages for all these compounds to be safe and effective. you should want to learn all this before you put something into your body that can do harm without the proper knowledge.
    and last but not least, athough it isn't recommended, many people have had success with 250mg of sust per week.

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