not gonna try and act like i know much about any of this-in fact hardly know any at all- hence reason why i am here----i am currently considering adding some form of cycle to my workouts. not sure what do use/what works/etc.....A friend of mine suggests WINI(though there r several better options) he says this has a better "ripping" factor...and is not tested for on drug tests. basically what i am looking to do shred fat fast, but also build a bit more bulk. since i have never taken part in this i am very skeptical bout all of this. My first prob is i hear scams and fake gear is all over the place(may also contain HIV and other stds)no way im risking that! so i need clean real gear.Freind says hes got a good connect but who knows what he'd put into his own body, not sure where a source is. 2nd'ly how safe is it to use? any/all side-effects?all reponses to this would be great- and 3rd which is a really big prob is is WIN legal in any form(in NY)?is it tested for on standard drug testing(work, probation, etc..)? Are there any other Gears that are not tested for and will not show up on any testing? side-effects of other suggested gears to use? safe? etc..... PLease help.....real tired of feelin like a dick at the beach(lol) made promise that this summer im looking better than ever! thanx alot people!