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Thread: Liquid viagra and calis

  1. #1

    Liquid viagra and calis

    So i have learned of some sites which sell anti e's and viagra in liquid form. But the prices are outrageouly low. 50mg/ml and 30 mls for 70 bucks for liquid viagra and one site and 50 buckas at another site for the same thing. No i know a 50mg pill cost about 8 bucks, how can these prices be legit? Are people making it on their own?! it doesnt seem like the simplest compound to make. Anyway, whats the deal? Bunk sites selling snake oil or are prices like this a common thing that im just ignorant off.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    The cialis I have received from a research company was legit. Worked great and was cheap compared to buying the real thing. These compunds are cheap to make and they still get a profit at the rate they are selling. Makes you realize how much this stuff is marked up.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    "research" companies have one hell of a profit margin on all of their products. They commonly sell something they make for less than $5 for over $50. There is no reason for them to sell bunk products IMO.

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