But with everything good things come to those who wait.
First and foremost, this is a long awaited cycle...i've been off now for at least 4 months.
Ok, ladies and gents...here's the proposed cycle, all opinions are welcome, but first, the all important diet proposed and stats, with goal.
Currently i'm
5'8 (sorry, hasn't changed in a while)
210lbs (prolly 15-17%bf) - What it's the winter, i was bulking!
and for those who care, brown hair and brown eyes, i enjoy lifting weights, and sleeping, oh yeah, sex is fun too espeacially in the shower![]()
All joking aside...
Diet I still have to fine tune, but my goal is to do exactly what I did last time, lean out, while adding maybe 5-10lbs of quality muscle. This isnt typically to hard or nearly as hard as people seem to think...espeacially considering my diet was **** for the last 4 months.
Protien intake - 300g a day
Carb intake - rotation, last time i did way to strict in the begining, went 200-75g over 7 day period rotation, this time i am thinking 300-125g per day rotated down towards the 125 (example would be Sunday 300g carbs, Monday 250g, and so on and so forth)
Fat intake - not sure on this one...i have a hard time balancing this into the caloric intake I should be gettin...i'm all about opinions on this one.
Flax Seed Oil (if i can find liquid)
Deca @ 400mg/wk (1-12)
Test @ 600mg/wk (1-12)
Clen @ 120mcg 2 weeks on 2 weeks off for 12 weeks Started at week 4, so that I have 4 weeks after cycle for PCT with it
Winny @ 50mg/Day (8-12) - Adding simply because i have it laying around.
I may include Fina in at the end of the cycle, with the winny simply because it combined with the winny is a great combo...at 75mg/Day (8-12)
Opinions, Critiques, ETC
I'm thinking I wanted to get down around 185, i figure I'll be decently lean at that point...after that I will revaluate considering i don't care about the weight, it's the BF that matters...and i want 8% (which i've had before and should be attainable again)
I'm guessing I have about 175-185lbs of lean muscle, and with the supplements i can add 5-10lbs, and be at 185-195, so realisitcally I'm guessing i'll be at around 195-200, at the end of this, but drop roughly 8bf% points...
Opinions are always welcome as stated before...
Great to be back, and I dig the new .CSS layout...