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Thread: Fina at the beginning or end?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    East Coast

    Exclamation Fina at the beginning or end?

    Some have heard my cycle starting next monday that is:

    1-4 Ttokkyo Drol 50-100mg
    1-10 QV Test Cyp 400mg
    1-10 QV EQ 400mg
    1-10 nolva 10mg/day
    clomid and hcg

    1-4 Ttokkyo Drol 50-100mg
    1-10 QV EQ 400mg
    2-11 QV Test Cyp 400mg
    1-10 nolva 10mg/day
    clomid and hcg

    the question is i have a 20ml/75mg fina bottle (JUST ONE!!), unfortunately. would you run it at the beginning or the end?

    FYI: for critiquers i would run test and eq for longer but only have 2-10ml/200mg vials of each

    thanks bros

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    right here
    wouldn't bother with the fina until you get more

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    Put the fina at the end!

    you already have the drols to get things going (which is very androgenic as well) I would add the fina at week 4-9 at 75mgs EOD that's about 20ml.

    Go with your first preposal!

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