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Thread: Bulking On & Cutting OFF

  1. #1

    Bulking On & Cutting OFF

    How do you feel about the idea of eating a lot of protein and complex carbs while on your AAS cycle and limiting carbs and dieting to get cut while off your AAS cycle. It's well know that your body can take in more food while you are on then juce then it can while you are off, so why not bulk while on and try and minimize body fat by changing the diet, upping the cardio, and taking your ECA stack while you are off. Any comments are apreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    I eat 2-2.5g of protein for each pound of my body weight and 5000-6000 calories while on cycle and when I get off I drop it down to about 2700 calories and 1.5-2g of protein a day about 3 weeks after Im off. I stay away from clen and t3 if I can. I also bump cardio up from 1 time a week to 3-4 when Im off cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    jesus, 5-6000 cal is probably a lot for an average person!
    i normally eat 2000-2500 cal while training with moderate intensity, and im planning to rise them to 3500-4000 cal for my cycle.
    if i go for 6000 im going to puke for sure after the 3rd meal, unless i eat sugar and butter all day!
    i guess the important is prot... and think 2 gr of them per pound is already a good target.
    i also think that all this depends on stats (weight and height)...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    NW of DFW TX
    It also depends on what kind of cycle you are doing.



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Age plays a big factor in your cal intake on or off cycle.........

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Very true 5-6000 is a lot and I had to train myself to eat that much. If you look at a pro like Jay Cutler who ways about 300-320 while bulking he eats 10000-11000 calories. I way 2/3 his weight and I eat only half as much as him. Its extreme but people do it. I can put on 30 pounds in a cycle no problem.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SauceKing215
    How do you feel about the idea of eating a lot of protein and complex carbs while on your AAS cycle and limiting carbs and dieting to get cut while off your AAS cycle. It's well know that your body can take in more food while you are on then juce then it can while you are off, so why not bulk while on and try and minimize body fat by changing the diet, upping the cardio, and taking your ECA stack while you are off. Any comments are apreciated.
    Your post talks about getting "cut" while off cycle, which to me means reducing your caloric intake into the negative when compared to your expendature. If this is what you are asking.....I personally would not do this as I do not want my body going catibolic and loosing the muscle that I worked so hard for on my cycle. Reducing your caloric intake while off cycle is good so you dont become fat but "cutting up" while off cycle for most is not a good idea if you are trying to maintain your muscle gains. Clen can help you loose fat and keep your muscle in between cycles but I would try to keep my body fat at the same level between cycles and choose a diet for my next cycle that would allow me to get cut, keep all of my muscle and possibly grow a little more. You cant believe how fast you can get in shape by reducing your calories while on a cycle. JMO

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    NW of DFW TX
    Even though typically while "on" you are bulking, your diet will determine how much body fat you acquire. If you eat lots of clean food, you can still cut and grow. I have lost bf and gained muscle while using test en and deca, which is a bulking cycle. But I was eating VERY clean and still doing some cardio throughout. It is hard to get your protien and caloric intake where it needs to be while trying to bulk and still keep eating "healthy", but IMO, it can be done.

    And again, it depends on what cycle you are doing. There are "cutting" cycles you can do as well.



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