This is a break down of my first cycle witch I plan to take in 2 weeks
I am 6.0 I weight 255 about 26% BF 29 years old, I have lost over 100lbs of fat but I need to lean out ALOT more... Let me know about any changes or suggestions, recommendations you might have..Thanks
10 week cycle
weeks 1 threw 8 / 20to 25mg winn tabs
weeks 5 threw 10 / 20 to 25mg anavar tabs
weeks 1 threw 10 /60 taper up to 100mg Clen tabs
weeks 5 threw 9 /50 taper up to 100mg taper down slowly Cytomel T3
This is my first cycle The plan is like others to lose fat and gain some lean quality muscle in the process.. I appreciate any and all recommendations....Thanks Wilput DNP scares me