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Thread: Roid Rage!!!

  1. #1
    Zues is offline Associate Member
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    Exclamation Roid Rage!!!

    I wanted to get all of your guys thoughts and opinions on roid rage . It has been an issue of controversy, do you think there is such thing? Me personally, I am in a better mood when I am on a cycle. Just cause someone gets mad does not mean it is because of AS. Look at people who loose their temper everyday who are not on AS. But you never hear about them. Its always targeted to the guy who is on AS. Bump this too I want to get as many opinions as possible.

    Finally on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest. How much do you think steroids affect your mood, (as far as "roid rage")?

  2. #2
    Ammar's Avatar
    Ammar is offline Senior Member
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    I think the whole roid rage thing is bull****. The only thing that comes close to roid rage that I can think of is when someone is on cycle, they get bigger and stronger. Therefore, they believe they are tougher and a bigger badass. This may cause the person to blow things out of proportion and make things a bigger deal than they really are. I know some of some people that while on cycle feel they are "untouchable."

    Like they can take out anyone that stands up to them which is clearly untrue.

    Just my opinion though.

  3. #3
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    just an excuse for someone to be an asshole. as we say "asshole off steroids , asshole on"

  4. #4
    bigdog81's Avatar
    bigdog81 is offline Member
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    im raising the flag on this one ( the bull **** flag)
    the rage comes from those who's egos grow due to their body growing...
    they think they are 9ft tall and bullet in return they allow themselves to get
    angry easier than normal so that they can try to punk out folks...
    most guys ive seen that "rage"...rage at the weights in the gym...not at a 7th grader that is staring at them....its all mental control boys.....

  5. #5
    QbHunter's Avatar
    QbHunter is offline Associate Member
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    roid rage = BS!!! all about who you are man.

  6. #6
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Yes I feel steroids do effect your mood... at least for me the first few weeks I feel a little bit irritable but I never feel like I will fly off the handle. After the first few weeks I then feel great.

    I think roid rage is just a excuse for being an ***hole and too imature to control your own feelings of anger.

  7. #7
    RJM03's Avatar
    RJM03 is offline Senior Member
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    Yeah, I definitely feel more happy going on cycle than off, like someone else already said I get more aggressive during a workout while on, but the people who try and act tough are the real jerks, if anything I try to keep more under the radar while on so people dont start talking.

  8. #8
    NoLimits's Avatar
    NoLimits is offline Member
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    If you're an ass off gear, you will be one on!

  9. #9
    wallycn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ammar
    I think the whole roid rage thing is bull****. The only thing that comes close to roid rage that I can think of is when someone is on cycle, they get bigger and stronger. Therefore, they believe they are tougher and a bigger badass. This may cause the person to blow things out of proportion and make things a bigger deal than they really are. I know some of some people that while on cycle feel they are "untouchable."

    Like they can take out anyone that stands up to them which is clearly untrue.

    Just my opinion though.
    What he said.

  10. #10
    Roy E. Munson's Avatar
    Roy E. Munson is offline New Member
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    I've never felt any different on fina, test, or anything else. People are assholes.
    The only thing i have never noticed is that when i do get pissed i just get i little bit more worked up than usual. but i think thats because of elevated blood pressure.

  11. #11
    Roidfever's Avatar
    Roidfever is offline Associate Member
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    Now, I can get pretty mad and even go nuts when I'm using lots of test. Normally I don't lose my temper and I'm a nice guy but when I'm using gear I get pretty irritable. And I'm not a macho, neither am I a jerk, it's just the test that drives me nuts when I get involved in a situation.

  12. #12
    Ammar's Avatar
    Ammar is offline Senior Member
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    Only thing close to roid rage that I heard of was feeling like a pansy while on clomid from one of my close friends...

  13. #13
    Roidfever's Avatar
    Roidfever is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ammar
    Only thing close to roid rage that I heard of was feeling like a pansy while on clomid from one of my close friends...
    I experience that too. Sometimes I cry like a girl while I'm doing clomid PCT...

  14. #14
    J*U*icEd's Avatar
    J*U*icEd is offline Anabolic Member
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    i totally believe in roid rage from AS...think about it....why do women get moody when they get their's because of an inbalance in their hormones...their female hormones increase....sort of the same thing that happens to a male on cycle...their moods are effected from varying hormone levels and excess estrogen levels....i can say i have witnessed this through my own eyes...i feel better when i am might be the "looking good is feeling good" mentality...but all in all im in a better mood.......also increased aggression at the gym (roid rage).....i can definatly hit the weights harder....the only AS that i get really bad on is fina...that **** makes me crazy....gets into my brain or something!!.....JMO
    Last edited by J*U*icEd; 02-05-2004 at 03:11 PM.

  15. #15
    grave digger's Avatar
    grave digger is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by QbHunter
    roid rage= BS!!! all about who you are man.
    Agree totally w/QB. If a person is predisposed to violence/aggression, then they will most likely act on it whether they be on AAS or not. You can no more blame violence/aggression on AAS than you can on alcohol or other drugs. It's more a personality issue and less an AAS use issue. JMO

  16. #16
    Zues is offline Associate Member
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    What pisses me off is how the media portrays steroids . They like to blow "roid rage " way out of proportion and make it sound like an epidemic. They only do it for ratings and popularity and get the uneducated people, (ones who know nothing about AS) all hyped up and form their opinions for them. Which gives AS a bad rep. Also w/ professional sports. They make AS look bad so their athletes look good in the public eye and so they can make more money and for popularity. What makes me so mad about all this is that we are the ones who suffer. Bull S**t laws and bans on supplements, etc. which they lnow nothing about. So they guy who just wants to look good, feel good and take AS for personal use is the one who gets f**ked, in the whole situation.

  17. #17
    bmg's Avatar
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    I can say for sure that I become moody. I just tend to loose my temper a little bit more easily and I am a little more likely to to be aggressive in a tense situation. But, the difference in my mood is not huge.
    Last edited by bmg; 02-05-2004 at 05:03 PM.

  18. #18
    monkeyjuice's Avatar
    monkeyjuice is offline Member
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    its a myth! your the captian of your own ship, you know how to handle yourself, i think its more mental than anything. And Steroids are just a scapegoat, and give people something to blame their bad temper on!

  19. #19
    MachZ's Avatar
    MachZ is offline Member
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    I think you just have to look at the animal kingdom to see what high levels of test in your system can do. Take moose/deer/elk for example, come sept/oct. they are in mating season full swing and the males test levels are thru the roof. This leads to serious aggression and constant fights over females and a really short fuse so I would have to say the theory could have some merit. Moose have been known to charge trains for no apparent reason at this time of the year when they are normally very non-aggressive.
    But there is a difference between animals and humans. We know the difference between right/wrong and we have a more advanced ability to think out situations and choose the appropriate action so in that respect I believe its more of an excuse than an actual reality.

  20. #20
    shootdeep's Avatar
    shootdeep is offline Member
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    this comes up about once a month. like i said last time, i only get roid rage when i shoot 1000mg of prop per hour

  21. #21
    50%Natural's Avatar
    50%Natural is offline Respected Member
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    I used to agree that there was no such thing as roid rage . But, how many of you fellas who have taken fina or parabolan or tren ? I never got pissed or was in a pissy mood until I started taking this stuff. I am usually real laid back but I have snapped, and I mean snapped a couple times in the last week. I have always been able to control my mood on test, deca , winny, eq, anavar , anadrol , or sust, but tren is something else.

  22. #22
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    It's overexaggerated in my opinion, but there have been studies documenting increased "agression" in animals.

  23. #23
    rawhide's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    It's overexaggerated in my opinion, but there have been studies documenting increased "agression" in animals.
    There have also been studies concluding that if you are kinda crazy and tempermental in the first place, then steroids will worsen the state of mind that the affected individual is in. I can't remember where I read the study...but I'm pretty sure they were using moderate dosages of test. The increase in aggression is most likely the increase in dad (before he got on BP medicine) used to take it out on me and my he apologizes every once and a while for not being on BP meds...cuz he knows it would have saved a lot of the roids probably trigger increased BP...which theoretically increases aggressive behavior...but it's also if you are a jerk in the first place. My humble...0.2

  24. #24
    ItalianMuscle27 is offline Senior Member
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    I believe it depends on the person, and everyone reacts to steroids differently. Personally, Ive had it. It was the worst recently when I just got done running EQ, Winstrol , & Suspension. I thought I would finish my cycle out with Fina & Anadrol . What a wicked combo. Looked fantastic though, but the side effects definetly outweighed the good. Very bad temper, and of course the headaches, diahrera, imsonia, etc. (i think you get the picture)

  25. #25
    slobberknocker's Avatar
    slobberknocker is offline Associate Member
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    Those of you who say AAS does not effect mood in any way, have you guys ever taken A-50's or Halo? Because I have, and it's no joke. I wouldn't call it "rage," but it definitely makes you snap at people sometimes.

  26. #26
    cj1capp's Avatar
    cj1capp is offline Anabolic Member
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    this may sound strange but I am nicer on gear than when off, I think I am smarter stronger and just happier with my self.cj

  27. #27
    1luv's Avatar
    1luv is offline Associate Member
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    roid rage is bull****. Just an excuse people use to justify to themselves why they are such assholes. my .02

  28. #28
    ChefJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J*U*icEd
    i totally believe in roid rage from AS...think about it....why do women get moody when they get their's because of an inbalance in their hormones...their female hormones increase....sort of the same thing that happens to a male on cycle...their moods are effected from varying hormone levels and excess estrogen levels....i can say i have witnessed this through my own eyes...i feel better when i am might be the "looking good is feeling good" mentality...but all in all im in a better mood.......also increased aggression at the gym (roid rage).....i can definatly hit the weights harder....the only AS that i get really bad on is fina...that **** makes me crazy....gets into my brain or something!!.....JMO
    I agree I will admit that I am not always the most likeable person while I am off but by no means an ass hole. I hate to say it but an hour after I take my 20mg of dbol and am driving to the gym if I get behind grandma doing 10 under the speed limit and she makes me miss my timing on the lights I get #$%@#$in fired up like never before. I am not like that when not on a cycle. Don't dog me for being truthful. I am not an ass unless I am behind the wheel never in the bar or at work. Just my $.02

  29. #29
    Body is offline Associate Member
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    Roid rage is real for me!

    My answer doesn't seem to be the popular one, but the rage hits me hard. I am a naturally agressive person and the juice makes it ten times worse. In fact, I had to take a serious amount of time off from doing roids to work on my problem. After a year and a half of anger management counseling I jumped back into it. I have to work very hard during a cycle to remain civil. I'm not making excuses for the poor decisions I've made, I can definitely identify a serious emotional change when the juice is flowing. So far the counseling has helped, but I must stay constantly focused on my goal of remaining socially acceptable during a cycle.

  30. #30
    dboston89's Avatar
    dboston89 is offline New Member
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    just makes me a little more short-wicked than normal...but i was on a **** load of test before and watched my gf destroy my apt. and empty out my brewing tren ..and even w/ that i just watched and let her go....ofcourse she was 7 months pregnant if you have self control, it shouldnt be a problem..

  31. #31
    bigbouncinballs's Avatar
    bigbouncinballs is offline Senior Member
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    when i'm on, can't stand the woman, and can't stand drivin'. now i ride a bike, can't solve the woman thing though?

  32. #32
    powerlifter's Avatar
    powerlifter is offline Anabolic Member
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    Amen to that Bro- we are humans and have the capacity to control ourselves- if things are getting hot - go out and walk it off

  33. #33
    LebaneseMuscle is offline Junior Member
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    Only time i rage is when I'm in the backseat of my Navigator.

  34. #34
    Swellin Guest
    I have always had a problem controlling my temper. In the last 5-6 years, I have learned how to handle it much better about 99% of the time. Once I started my cycle, I was in a better mood, but that had nothing to do with the hormones..i was just glad to be on. Around week three, I started getting kind of edgy. Little things that always tweaked tweak me a bit more. Before I was able to control that, but now I can't control it all. Sometimes I lose it...not too bad though...I realize that it is not what I would normally do, and I can calm down.
    So I am affected by the hormones. I am more apt to snap.

  35. #35
    Da Bull's Avatar
    Da Bull is offline Banned
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    I get edgy at times,but nothing I can't control.

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