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Thread: i have gyno and i just got back from the DOC

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    i have gyno and i just got back from the DOC

    i have gyno and i just got back from doc.,
    he felt the lumps in left pec and he said it would go away eventually go away he said. he scared the **** out of me., it is swollen.
    since i have shot up for 500mg a week for 3 weeks and got gyno the third week and i completly stoped and today is thursday.

    I had to fill him in on what is nolvadex and clomid, he wasnt to sure on that. HE said by time it should go away. he really didnt help and i dont need surgery. well the sad thing is that i ****ed up myself.
    im not sure on what to do now. he said that i will go bald and im only 21 years old. He said that nolva and clomid wouldnt help and he said ur body has to do it itself. so he said not to take nolva or clomid but im not sure if i will listen to him.
    IF any body has any ideas please let me know.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    He said it will go away? My friends doc said it wont go away.... and I have always heard that it wont go away by itself..... bald at 21 WTF?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    He had to ask you what Nolvadex and clomid were?!? then he told you they wouldn't work?!?! what is this guy.. a witch doctor?!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by ripped4fsu
    He had to ask you what Nolvadex and clomid were?!? then he told you they wouldn't work?!?! what is this guy.. a witch doctor?!
    he said take nolva and low dosages for two weeks and that is it and no clomid,

  5. #5
    Hell of a Doc.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by ripped4fsu
    He had to ask you what Nolvadex and clomid were?!? then he told you they wouldn't work?!?! what is this guy.. a witch doctor?!
    BWHAhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha to be 21 ,bald with tits must really suck

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    BWHAhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha to be 21 ,bald with tits must really suck
    Low blow, poor guy.

  8. #8
    my sis is a doc and i just called her up and told her ur prob and she wants to know who ur doc. well any ways she said it wont go away by itself. you need to stay on the clomid and nolva. and hopefully it should go away.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicPump
    Low blow, poor guy.
    is there anything i can do ?
    SHould i continue taking nolva and clomid or no its pointless?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by johnny1234
    is there anything i can do ?
    SHould i continue taking nolva and clomid or no its pointless?
    how long i should run nolva for rite now and should i use clomid for pct or no....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    no more advice from me...all of your redundent questions have been answered throughout your other 5 posts

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Ok this is what I would do
    runthe Nolva @80mg for 2 days than bump down to 60mg for 2 days than hit 40mg for 7 days than go 20mg for 7 days and taper to 10mg for 7 days. Depending what kind of test you had i would wait til the proper time 2-3 weeks for the test to taper out of your system and then start clomid 300/100/50. You nipples should stop lactating by now and if not than continue the nolva prescritption I just gave you. If that doesnt work, go back to the doctor and slap him silly!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    ive had for 2 years now the only thing that went away was the pain of touching my nips. the doc i went to sail if it doesnt regress in 3-6 months ill gotta go under the knife as i said that was 2 years ago. juct wait an see bro
    ps how bad is it?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by ColdStone
    no more advice from me...all of your redundent questions have been answered throughout your other 5 posts
    dont give it then and walk past the thread since you know who it already is. No need to tell him you're not going to help him with his redundant ? You gave your help- he didnt want to listen-ok- win some, loose some!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack
    Ok this is what I would do
    runthe Nolva @80mg for 2 days than bump down to 60mg for 2 days than hit 40mg for 7 days than go 20mg for 7 days and taper to 10mg for 7 days. Depending what kind of test you had i would wait til the proper time 2-3 weeks for the test to taper out of your system and then start clomid 300/100/50. You nipples should stop lactating by now and if not than continue the nolva prescritption I just gave you. If that doesnt work, go back to the doctor and slap him silly!
    good Advise, slap and all!!!!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    city of brotherly love
    first of all bro.after only 3 weeks of test at 500mg...this wont cause gyno as the test just started to kick in in week 3......even so there is no way this gave you gyno.....let me ask you a question,are you over weight?? be honest bro...there is such a thing as puberty induced gyno which i think you may have....and as far as your doc not knowing about any anti-es and gyno...why would he?? he's not an endocrinologist..if you truly have gyno,no dose of clomid or nolva will make it go need to have it surgically removed....period.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
    first of all bro.after only 3 weeks of test at 500mg...this wont cause gyno as the test just started to kick in in week 3......even so there is no way this gave you gyno.....let me ask you a question,are you over weight?? be honest bro...there is such a thing as puberty induced gyno which i think you may have....and as far as your doc not knowing about any anti-es and gyno...why would he?? he's not an endocrinologist..if you truly have gyno,no dose of clomid or nolva will make it go need to have it surgically removed....period.
    well he said it is case of smal gyno.not over weight weigh 200lbs not really fat and have a bit of muscle on me.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Buffalo, NY area
    Just wait it out. Let nature take its course. I had sore nips and a little puffiness under them on my last cycle from anadrol. About a month after my cycle it went away, pain and all. Just give yourself a break for a while.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Zues
    Just wait it out. Let nature take its course. I had sore nips and a little puffiness under them on my last cycle from anadrol. About a month after my cycle it went away, pain and all. Just give yourself a break for a while.
    thank you i will do that

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Im in the medical field, and I tell you first hand that most doctors, especially Famly practice, have no clue when it comes to steriods. The only doc I have ever know to know anything about it was a guy that lectured on sprots medicine, and had done a ton of research on it. I saw his presentation, and half the **** he said was wrong. I kept my mouth shut because I didnt want him to know I use gear. Wish I kept the handout it was pretty funny. If it were me I'd get on the nove for 3-4 weeks. and see if the "gyno" insnt just fat. Next think get a second opinion and loose that doc. sound like a dip**** to me. Good luck bro

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could
    Just fat is what i had.... 5 days of ;nolv... it was and is gone...

    try that...........

    Quote Originally Posted by Jdawg50
    Im in the medical field, and I tell you first hand that most doctors, especially Famly practice, have no clue when it comes to steriods. The only doc I have ever know to know anything about it was a guy that lectured on sprots medicine, and had done a ton of research on it. I saw his presentation, and half the **** he said was wrong. I kept my mouth shut because I didnt want him to know I use gear. Wish I kept the handout it was pretty funny. If it were me I'd get on the nove for 3-4 weeks. and see if the "gyno" insnt just fat. Next think get a second opinion and loose that doc. sound like a dip**** to me. Good luck bro
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  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    Just fat is what i had.... 5 days of ;nolv... it was and is gone...

    try that...........
    ]i mean they just hurt and bad and it is like they are sore, someone else said to get a 2nd opinion but from whom. im goin to continue with 40mg of nolva and then taper down in 2 weeks /.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    OZ via NZ
    Mate dont start at 40 then taper down, you already have the symptoms so bump it up to at least 80mg a day( i have had to go as high as 120mg) untill it subsides but IF it doesnt after say 2 weeks get back to us or see another doc (preferably one that knows about sports medicine and steroids)

  24. #24
    Swellin Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitman
    Mate dont start at 40 then taper down, you already have the symptoms so bump it up to at least 80mg a day( i have had to go as high as 120mg) untill it subsides but IF it doesnt after say 2 weeks get back to us or see another doc (preferably one that knows about sports medicine and steroids)
    This is the way to go...Abstrack already told you that, though.
    You seem pretty stubborn and not really into doing what the guys are telling you. I guess you are just freaked out by this, and not thinking foul there.

    Run the Nolva up there. If I were you, I would do exactly what Abstrack said....inlcuding slapping the witch doctor.

    Do realize that a guy with a painted up face (ripped4fsu) was making fun of this witch doctor? Funny stuff IMO.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by johnny1234
    is there anything i can do ?
    SHould i continue taking nolva and clomid or no its pointless?
    I would just go with it. Up the test and get your n*ts really shrunken up so you look clean in a bikini and stay off of the clomid. If your tits get big enough you can get work as a ti**y dancer. Oh yea, get a wig.

    Sorry I couldn’t resist. With all of the posts and info on this board regarding gyno you will definitely know more than your doctor if you read. Did you start taking novladex when you started your cycle or were you waiting to see if you would develope gyno first? You said that you were 200lbs but you didn’t say if you were fat or not, are you 5'6 or 6'2. It makes a big difference. Why are you going to go bald? Are you already loosing your hair?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Va Beach
    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    BWHAhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha to be 21 ,bald with tits must really suck easy with the guy!

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    I'm not a doctor, but I'm not an idiot.

    Gyno does not equal baldness. Baldness is hereditary, and as true as it is that some byproducts of certain anabolics may speed up male-pattern baldness, you should be okay. You weren't taking an insane amount of gear, and it's only your third week. No worries on going bald (unless your pops is an eagle) and the gyno, what's your height, weight and bodyfat.

    And go see a new doctor and get a few opinions. My sis had to go to 9 doctors before they found out that she was Anemic. How ****in' retarded is that. A simple ****in' blood test and they could've figure it out. Doctors are lazy nowadays if you ask me. Still a godsend, but lazy.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I find that many doc. dont know much about steroids, we should have access to some kind of professional steroid doctors.


  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    i talked to other docs and they said not to take nolva and clomid. i got a slight case and they said wait and let it get out of ur system., do u now how much more it wil grow from now and two weeks. the pain hurts bad but the doc said not to worry it will go down.

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Suckling at the teet
    You don't listen to your Doc, and you don't listen to the bros. Are you this skeptical of everyone?

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Johnny Boy
    You don't listen to your Doc, and you don't listen to the bros. Are you this skeptical of everyone?
    im listening to doc man

  32. #32
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by johnny1234
    im listening to doc man
    Good, you listen to your doc and not the guys on here who have been trying to help your many posts. Also, youll enjoy shopping in Victoria's Secret for his and her bras with your woman...That is if you still have one after your new set is done growing.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by johnny1234
    im listening to doc man
    You need to realize that just because this guy(your doctor) has an MD, it doesn't make him all knowing. He obviously knows nothing about sports medicine, so what makes you think his advice is any good? I injured my back pretty badly some years ago, so I went to a general practioner. I told him I hurt my back lifting, so he ignores what I told him and decides I have scoliosis. He tells me to do these lame exercises and sends me on my way.

    The guy obviously made a misdiagnosis, so I totally ignored what he said and just let my back heal. If I did those stupid exercises I wouldve just hurt myself more.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    On the End of a Needle
    Quote Originally Posted by johnny1234
    im listening to doc man
    i cant believe this after all the time and effort the bros put into helping you,your not going to listen to them.they have read your 50 post and gave you all the advice they could,im sorry man but i think your wrong not listening to the bros(they have done as before,your doc hasnt)anyways good luck with your choice....

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    doc dont know sh*t man...all these guys are talking from experience

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