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Thread: Best Country to Train?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    World Traveler

    Best Country to Buy Steroids and Train?

    I would love it if people could list detailed data as I have listed on their pick for BEST country to train in.

    I train for Adventure Racing. SO I need rivers, lakes, weight rooms, running tread mills, open nature hiking trails for running. Good Internet access. Good pools. Good food. Easy living. AND CHEAP!

    I am thinking that Thailand is the winner.

    Thailand is fairly developed. The gyms are actually pretty nice.
    Non-Member Price for NICE gym is 100 Baht
    Member Price is about 50 Baht

    There are 20 Baht Nice Gyms if you look hard.

    Here is my list of monthly expenses.

    Nice Apartment=3700 Baht P/M
    TV=250 Baht P/M
    Fridge=250 Baht P/M
    Internet=10 Baht per hour P/D
    Internet=1000 Baht unlimited P/M
    Scooter=2500 BAht P/M
    Food=400 Baht Per Day
    Protien=3400 Baht P/M
    Amino's=1800 Baht P/M
    Movies=100 Baht Per Movie
    GAS=50 Baht Per Tank
    GYM=3000 Baht P/M
    Pool=40 Baht Per Session
    Massage=100 Baht Per Hour (20 per month)
    New Clothes=4000 Baht P/M
    Laundry=60 Baht Per Single Load Includes REAL Wash/Dry Machiene and Fold.
    FUN ACTIVITIES=1000 Baht P/M
    Bus Fare to Burma for Passport RENEW=600 Baht Round Trip via V.I.P. Bus
    Visa RENEW FEE FOR BURMA=250 Baht or $5 USD Saves 50 Baht
    Cell Phone Minutes=500 Baht Card P/M (New Cell Phones Cost 3k-7k Baht)
    Workout Supplies...Tires,carbo gel packs,bike junk mostly, ear drops for the pool, etc.=1000 Baht

    Basically if you have $1000 USD which is 40,000 BAHT Per month Your doing good! $2000 USD @ 80,000 Baht would make life REALLY GOOD!

    Thats a do what ever you want budget!! This is a NO CHICK budget! I am here to Traint in Thailand for 3 months during the winter. I don't want distractions so I stay away from Bars, and Girls; instead I workout at the gym ,run and mountain bike the single track trails at the nearby National Park go to movies, eat , sh*t, sleep, and do a little work via the web to the USA for income. NExt year I will bring my girl friend from the states as she wants to get into the same sports...

    GREAT Life!!!

    Anyone know if Bali is easy to purchase Roids?

    What other country's are this easy and cheap?

    Last edited by forestcall; 02-07-2004 at 01:59 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Im a Masshole
    what the **** kind of question is this and why is it in the steroid forum

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    The Big Sleazy-NOLA
    no chick budget in thailand? what r u nuts?...jk bro. Thailand is excellent to train in as the gear is cheap and plentiful and the gyms are abundant. you can find a chick fund probably in your sofa cushion. i went to thailand last year...pattaya and it's nuckin futs.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    central nj
    Quote Originally Posted by Jackman
    what the **** kind of question is this and why is it in the steroid forum
    do people not even care anymore?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    World Traveler
    Where else should I place a steroid question?

    I want to know what countries are best for buying roids and training.

    I read several lame threads that don't give a good overall on why its good there. For me its the price and standard of living.

    Anyway I wanted to get a good response on my question. I think this is a good spot for this question :-)

    Last edited by forestcall; 02-07-2004 at 01:57 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    in the jungle
    Bro, I agree with ya Thailand it very cheap as far as a chick fund??? IMO if you're half decent to look at and have any type of build the chicks should come to you over there. I personnaly like Central America...probably just as cheap, decent gyms in the bigger cities, rent for apt's are usually cheap it helps if you know someone though so you don't get hosed on prices. Besides I like Latin women more mmmmmmmmmmm Bonita Latina

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    World Traveler
    yeah I would like to find a high altitude country to train in...but finding a good pool is hard to find. Also the main reason to go would be to buy gear and train.

    But Latin chicks......mmmmmm I will try Latin America next year... :-)

    Quote Originally Posted by SGFuryZ
    For bodybuilding, I couldn't tell you. Dennis James lives there, so obviously he feels it's a good place to lift. If you were training for an althletic competition, where endurance was important, I'd move to any area that's at a high altitude...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Motor City
    How bout Bangladesh, you could live like a king on $20 a month.LOL

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Bros - that is some funny sh**

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Stop it guys you are making me jealoous now I want a monkey

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    LOL at spending 3x as much on gear than you do rent!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Motor City
    **** monkeys they will get you every time.

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