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Thread: in need of advice...

  1. #1

    in need of advice...

    im 16 years old, 6'2 and weigh 165 lbs. i play football and im in need of something that will make me stronger and bigger. i want something that isnt high in side affects (obviously) and im very inexperienced when it comes to steriods. some good advice would be greatly appreciated from you Vets. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    You're too young bro. You don't need steroids at your age because your body is producing plenty of testosterone on its own. Also, at your size you can still grow a ton naturally with proper diet and exercise. If you start steroids at your age you will do irreversible damage to your body. Do some research on diet and training techniques and you will be set untill your twenties.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by maurice7
    im 16 years old, 6'2 and weigh 165 lbs. i play football and im in need of something that will make me stronger and bigger. i want something that isnt high in side affects (obviously) and im very inexperienced when it comes to steriods. some good advice would be greatly appreciated from you Vets. thanks
    Yah I got a website for you to do some RESEARCH about steroids it is called

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    you need some creatine, glutamine, protein, and a mulit vitamin,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, just relax, and learn and research, you are about 5 years to young for steriods!!!! eat eat and thne eat some more, you will grow like a weed!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Behind Ur booty
    I agree with Death. You are to young and the sides are drastic and irreversable. Your growth plates are not done yet and you could hinder production of your own test production permanently as well as suffer from any more growth you may have been due. My first rule of thumb is "you should always max your own genetic potential before resorting to muscle enhancement drugs such as steroids". Please take note.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Death
    You're too young bro. You don't need steroids at your age because your body is producing plenty of testosterone on its own. Also, at your size you can still grow a ton naturally with proper diet and exercise. If you start steroids at your age you will do irreversible damage to your body. Do some research on diet and training techniques and you will be set untill your twenties.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by LuvMyRoids
    I agree with Death. You are to young and the sides are drastic and irreversable. Your growth plates are not done yet and you could hinder production of your own test production permanently as well as suffer from any more growth you may have been due. My first rule of thumb is "you should always max your own genetic potential before resorting to muscle enhancement drugs such as steroids". Please take note.
    Same here...Everyone will tell you the same thing bro...You are way to young...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Consistency
    you need some creatine, glutamine, protein, and a mulit vitamin,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, just relax, and learn and research, you are about 5 years to young for steriods!!!! eat eat and thne eat some more, you will grow like a weed!

    He hit it on the spot. Listen when your told your to young.

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