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  1. #1
    crimson55's Avatar
    crimson55 is offline New Member
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    Freq of Test Enan injections - Logic question

    Okay guys - I've searched on the frequency of injections and the basic reply is to split a 500mg/week into twice a week or E4D in order to keep blood levels relatively stable.

    Here's my question, knowing that Enan has an active life of 10-12 days (don't know about half life...?) wouldn't it be better to injection once a week and benefit from the higher levels of T right away? You'd have 500 mg throughout the week (assuming the half life is half of the active life) which would benefit more than 250mg/E4D (with once a week you would start at 500 then by day 6 reach 250 - so on average between day 1 and 6 you blood levels are above the 250 mark).

    From the other threads, I know that the levels are less stable with once a week but wouldn't you get a better kick than twice a week? espescially within the few days after a 500mg injection?

    I'm really trying to understand the logic without a biological/chemist background?

  2. #2
    abmyers's Avatar
    abmyers is offline Associate Member
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    Remember that the half life of a substance means that only 50% is gone after that date. If half life is 10.5 days, then 125mg of 250mg shot from day 1 is still in there after your 4th shot. For that reason, it builds up in your muscle tissues. Eventually, it will start to even out, as the dacay rate of previous shots equals injection ammounts

  3. #3
    abmyers's Avatar
    abmyers is offline Associate Member
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    Day 1: 250mg
    Day 2,3,4: 237.5, 225, 212.5
    Day 5: 200+250= 450mg
    Day 6: 187.5+237.5=425mg
    Day 7:400mg
    Day 8:375+250=625mg
    Day 9:587.5mg
    Day 10: 550mg
    etc etc
    Grows more steadily with twice weekly injections, no uneven blood concentrations

  4. #4
    abmyers's Avatar
    abmyers is offline Associate Member
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    BTW, I used linear decay rate over half life, which isn't accually correct but you get the idea

  5. #5
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
    RoNNy THe BuLL is offline Anabolic Member
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    Good reply ABMYERS.

  6. #6
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
    motoxxxguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    abmeyers hit the nail on the head!

    Last edited by motoxxxguy; 02-08-2004 at 10:58 AM.

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