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Thread: Test Suspension tabs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Test Suspension tabs

    Anyone tried these tabs by Chinaman

    They are supposed to be 20 mg Test Suspension Tabs

    And I quote:

    New SALE !! Lower Price ! none toxic !!: Testasterone Suspension 20mg tablet absorbed sublingualy by expedients,do NOT swallow,break w/teeth,push under tongue till desolve-Not liver toxic,(this is not methyltestasterone)take a small dose around the clock (half life is only 1 hour)-

    Anyone think this is legit (Well i think it is) But anybody think its effective (so that at least more than 10% of the dosage is actually absorbed by the body).

    If so (like mroe than 40% of the dosage is used effectively) this is the next big hit!!!

    Imagine an eight week cycle with:

    week 1-8 160 mg --> 8 tabs a day of this Testerone Suspension
    week 1-8 Trenbolone Enantate at 375 mg E3D
    week 1-8 50 mg Winstrol (injectable) 50 mg ED
    week 1-8 Nitrotain 20 mg ED (oral)

    week 1-8 Superclen @ 200 mcg ED

    week 1-10 Letrozole 2.5 mg ED (which is known to increase IGF by 35%)
    starting week 11 PCT for 20 days (clomid + Nolva)

    with 200-300 Grams of Protein Intake a day!

    The Letrozole will be suffecient to keep gyno in check (the only aromatizing agent is test susp) without hampering gains (even increasing it because unlike Nolvadex which suspresses IGF by 25% this increases IGF by 35%)

  2. #2
    Why take the tabs? You know it's going to be hard as hell on your liver!

  3. #3
    There legit, there chinaman's, so there good.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    reading is hard these days!

    if you read the post you would have known that they are none toxic on the liver!

    And the reason that they are so cool (if they really do work) is that test suspension is the most painful gear to inject (so I've heard and read) and that given the half time of it you have to inject every hour!

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