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Thread: t3 and tren or winny?

  1. #1

    t3 and tren or winny?

    ok here is my question guys..... i know that t3 is very catabolic without the use of test of some sort. i have used t3 multiple times in the past and loved it, but i dont want to run any test anymore becuase i dont like the post effects of test. i tried tren for my first time last cyle and love it, now will tren and winni in combination with eachother keep the T3 from stripping away the muscle without the use of test? thank you to whomever helps me out with this question thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    central nj
    what problems with test have you had? did you run pct?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    New York, NY
    what scott said...and i wouldnt run T3 without test...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I think you would be fine with winny and tren on T3, but your risking no sexdrive running tren with out test. you could try proviron to prevent that, but its more $$$

    Its all personal though, i have run just tren and Eq and had no problems

  5. #5
    so you would just recomend to run the test just for the sex drive not becuase of the t3 catabolism becuase the tren and winni should be enough to cut the muscle catabolism from the t3

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Out of Control
    If you don't wanna run test, I suggest using Clenbuterol

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Everyone is different. I am running T3 with only M1t right now. Clenbuterol is definantly not a good choice for anticatabolism.. maybe to help aid fat loss.

  8. #8
    drop the T3 get some clen and you will be better off IMO

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    On a field of dreams
    winny and tren will stop the catabolic nature of t-3 on muscle, no test = probably no sex drive. But i def. hear you about coming off of test, it sucks. I think I might just suck up no sex drive for shorter cycles in the future as they'll all probably only be cutters or small gain anyway. You can get cialis and viagra, but im just depressed coming off test because when you're on you feel so awesome.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Why not run a low dose of var to help with the catabolic effects of the T3.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    y u afraid of test????????

  12. #12
    with the test i just feel always bloated no matter if i take nolvadex or not i just hate water retention thats why i dont like using test, but i love winni ,t3 and tren thought i could do a cycle of those 3 and leave out the test but sounds like i shouldnt leave out the test am i right in understanding you guys?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    central nj
    run ldex with the test along with the nolva, should clear up any water issues, if it still bothers you, go with mudman's suggestion and run 30mg var a day

  14. #14
    how would you tie in var with a winni and tren cycle? what dosages ?

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