ok here is what i have planned for this one, i posted something yesterday about having the t400 but i think i'm going to keep it and do this.
t400 on mon, wed, and fri, do a half cc, 200mg, 600mg total a week
equipoise on mon and fri 200mg, 400mg total a week
5 iu of humalin r on mon, wed, and fri, then in time progress to 10 iu's a day. i already know the sides of this and the guy who is helping me with it does it alot and i trust him.
i have clomid and nolv
but what i want to know is i've been reading alot about throwing in prop with the t400 so if i eliminated wed, and threw in the prop that day how would that be? or i read something about throwing it in on top of the t400 like a quarter cc or something.
i know this is dragging out should i loose the t400 and go with sust250 on the mon, wed, fri bit?