Ok bros, here is what i have planned for my summer cutter:
wks 1-15 test prop 100mg EOD
wks 1-12 EQ 400mgs/week
wks 7-12 Fina 75mgs EOD
.25mgs of l-dex ED throught my cycle
Would it be benneficial to add some clen at the end of my cycle to help with PCT? I want to keep my ripped, hard, vascular look from my cycle and I have heard that clen will help me keep it after I finish my PCT. How should I run it, I was thinking maybe starting it the day I start my clomid and stay on it for two weeks then off for two weeks? Does this sound about right? If so, how long should I do the 2 weeks on/2 weeks off? Also, should I take 100mcgs ED, but start out graually taking 20mcg daily and then increasing to 100mcgs and staying at 100mcgs? Any suggestions bros? Thanks.