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Thread: Questions My Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Questions My Cycle

    Hello all.. I have a question about my cycle but here's a little background information. My first cycle was a really simple 6 week cycle of Dball (about 3-4 a day). The second cycle was 250-500mg of susanton (250 the first 2 weeks, 500 the last 6) stacked with equipoise (i believe 200mg a day). I've waited for a few months and now I'm ready for my next cycle. This upcoming Friday, 9/14 will be the end of week 1 and I used a sus stack of 250mg. I plan on using 500mg of sus for the next 6 weeks and 250 mg for the week # 8. I still have some equipoise left (but I don't know how long that's gonna last me), but I'm hoping I have 3-4 weeks worth of 200 mg left. Also, I plan on taking 3 d-ball (or should I take 5?) a day.. I have about 150 of those, but I could get more if needed. (I figure 3 a day would last me 50 days) I would like any suggestions/comments about the cycle...

    btw, I'm looking for major mass, I'm about 5'5 150 lbs 8% body fat. thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    Dont taper on or off start right out with 500 mg of sust take 40 mg of Dbal for the first four weeks and then get more equip and take 600mg per week along with the sust and youll be fine

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    my cycle..

    ok.. Let me get this straight. so 40 mg of dball my first 4 weeks, that means daily.. so that would be 8 pills a day first 4 weeks.. 8x7=56x4=224 pills.. And then my last 4 weeks I wouldn't be on dball? Also, I have some creatine here, does anyone take creatine with their cycle? Is this recommended or a waste in any way?

    Thanks again,
    cycle newbie

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    Your just using your dball to kick your cycle into gear and start growing as soon as possible. stay away from cretin just use clomid two weeks after the last shot glas to see your doing reserch before you start good posts bro

  5. #5
    The original jason Guest
    do as PA says save the creatine for post cycle load it up after your cycle in your recovery period run the sust 500mg per week right through, eq 400mg per week if you have it if not get some more!!, dbol 40 mg per day dont taper up or down its better to use more for a short period of time no point spreading it out also 15mg per day wont do anything for you. As well as that you need to take care of your liver 40 mg per day 4-5 weeks is well enough i would suggest use milk thistle 500-800mg per day while on dbol also. Make sure you get your diet and training right and you will do well with that cycle was just wondering about your typo above also equipose 200mg per day?????


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    I would run the sus @ 750mg/wk for at least 12 wks or longer seeing that it is a slow and steady gain and to run it any shorter you would not get the full beniffet.

    Just A Thought =)

  7. #7
    Mike Guest
    wouldnt get the full benefit of runbning sus for under 12 wks at less than 750?!!? That's absurd - I would LOVE technical data supporting this...all the newbvies you are telling to OD would also love to know why as well I am assuming

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    I am not saying that anything less then 750mg would not be enough, what I am saying is to run 750mg/wk cause this is not his first cycle anymore. To run atleast 12 weeks is were I mean anything less you will not get the full benifet because the fact that sus is a slow acting AS there for producing a slow and steady musscle gain the same as wiuth deca. You want a Referance look to Anabolics 2000 page 163 paragraph 3 =)

    Just The Facts

  9. #9
    Mike Guest
    this is so silly

    thanks for that "reference" LOL

    I DO NOT consider that book a reference of any sort and anyone that uses it as a bible and to support clinical statements is a fool

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