Hello all.. I have a question about my cycle but here's a little background information. My first cycle was a really simple 6 week cycle of Dball (about 3-4 a day). The second cycle was 250-500mg of susanton (250 the first 2 weeks, 500 the last 6) stacked with equipoise (i believe 200mg a day). I've waited for a few months and now I'm ready for my next cycle. This upcoming Friday, 9/14 will be the end of week 1 and I used a sus stack of 250mg. I plan on using 500mg of sus for the next 6 weeks and 250 mg for the week # 8. I still have some equipoise left (but I don't know how long that's gonna last me), but I'm hoping I have 3-4 weeks worth of 200 mg left. Also, I plan on taking 3 d-ball (or should I take 5?) a day.. I have about 150 of those, but I could get more if needed. (I figure 3 a day would last me 50 days) I would like any suggestions/comments about the cycle...
btw, I'm looking for major mass, I'm about 5'5 150 lbs 8% body fat. thanks in advance.