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  1. #1
    Hawgz's Avatar
    Hawgz is offline Junior Member
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    crossing boarder with 50 dosage units

    I was doing some looking after reading a post about declaring your gear if 50cc or under. I found this . i take it that if you keep it under 50 dosage units you will be good to go..What do yall think?

    Rule of thumb: When you go abroad, take the medicines you'll need, no more, no less.

    Narcotics and certain other drugs with a high potential for abuse - Rohypnol, GHB, and Fen-Phen, to name a few - may not be brought into the United States, and there are severe penalties for trying to bring them in. If you need medicines that contain potentially addictive drugs or narcotics (e.g., some cough medicines, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, antidepressants, or stimulants), do the following:

    Declare all drugs, medicinals, and similar products to the appropriate Customs official.
    Carry all drugs, medicinals, and similar products in their original containers.
    Carry only the quantity of such substances that a person with that condition(e.g., chronic pain) would normally carry for his/her use.
    Carry a prescription or written statement from your physician that the substances are being used under a doctor's supervision and that they are necessary for your physical well-being while traveling.

    U.S. residents entering the United States at international land borders, who are carrying a validly obtained controlled substance (except narcotics such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin, or LSD), are subject to certain additional requirements. If a U.S. resident wants to bring in a controlled substance other than narcotics such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin, or LSD, but does not have a prescription for the substance issued by a U.S.-licensed practitioner (e.g., physician, dentist, etc.) registered with and authorized by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to prescribe the mediation, the individual may not import more than 50 dosage units of the medication. if the U.S. Resident has a prescription for the controlled substance issued by a DEA registrant, more than 50 dosage units may be imported by that person, provided all other legal requirements are met.

    Please note that only medications that can be legally prescribed in the United States may be imported for personal use. Be aware that possession of certain substances may also violate state laws.

    Warning: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) prohibits the importation, by mail or in person, of fraudulent prescription and nonprescription drugs and medical devices. These include unorthodox "cures" for such medical conditions as cancer, AIDS, arthritis, or multiple sclerosis. Although such drugs or devices may be legal elsewhere, if the FDA has not approved them for use in the United States, they may not legally enter the country and will be confiscated if found, even if they were obtained under a foreign physician's prescription.

  2. #2
    Devourer's Avatar
    Devourer is offline Senior Member
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    jock it...

  3. #3
    Hawgz's Avatar
    Hawgz is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2003
    Yahoooooooo got junior member with this post lol

  4. #4
    Tock's Avatar
    Tock is offline Anabolic Member
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    You can print the rules out and show 'em to the customs guy, and from what I've seen here, some folks get through, some didn't. Of course, even if you get through, if the regular cops catch ya importing stuff not approved by the FDA, or with controlled stuff without a prescription, I beleive you will have some explaining to do.

  5. #5
    GetPumped's Avatar
    GetPumped is offline Senior Member
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    Yah it depends more on which border crossing you go to. I think it is about 50/50 along the border as to which ones will let you claim them and which ones won't. I know Laredo will because I personally called them myself and they told me I could bring back and claim up to 50 units (50cc's) for my own "personal use". I would give them a call if you could find the number to the customs border patrol where you plan on crossing at and just straight up ask them and see what they say. Then you could weigh your possibilities and make your decision.

  6. #6
    Hawgz's Avatar
    Hawgz is offline Junior Member
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    Getpumped Laredo would also be my crossing me if you have tried it...i would like to know more about what to expect

  7. #7
    powerlifter's Avatar
    powerlifter is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sounds dicey

  8. #8
    powerlifter's Avatar
    powerlifter is offline Anabolic Member
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    Feb 2004
    there have been other threads started about this point - read them also before making a decision Bro - best of luck

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