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****, I just got a bunch of it. Now I'm having second thoughts.
WHY I DECIDED TO USE IT: I have a friend who competes Nationally who only uses primo. He swears by it and doesn't know why everyone doesn't use it. He says he gets no sides at all, just quality muscle growth. Sure, it comes slowly, but he keeps it. That's what I want. So I don't know if test is a must. According to Anabolics 2002:
"Finally, is also good to remember that it is not absolutely necessary to take more than one steroid at a time."
REGARDING EFFECTIVENESS: Another quote from Anabolics 2002, this time about primo: "100-200mg per week, a level that should produce at least some noticable muscle growth...men may respond to weekly doses of 200mg but regular users will often inject much higher doses looking for a stronger anabolic effect. Is it not uncommon for a bodybuilder to take as much as 600-800mg per week, a range which appears to be actually quite productive. Of course androgenic side effects may become more pronounced with such an amount, but in most instances it should still be quite tolerable."
REGARDING USING ONLY 100mg TEST AS A BASE: I came to this conclusion because doing 400mg of primo will supress test production. Since I do want a normal amount of test in my system, I decided to replace it with 100mg.
WHY I DON'T WANT TO USE TEST: I have done 2 cycles before. The first cycle I broke out pretty bad on my shoulders. Nasty. Screw that. The second cycle I got gyno symptoms. Even nastier. So test is not for me. I'm looking for a safe cycle here. Something that will give me moderate gains without sides.