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Thread: week 6, how to mentally beat the scales.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    week 6, how to mentally beat the scales.

    into week 6 of my first cycle. i am up around 8 pounds but the scales aren't moving, its annoying the hell out of me. i know i shouldnt go by the scales and let the mirror be the judge but its hard. i am not carrying any water because the femara is doing a nice job with that. just want to take off soon, either way quality gains is what i am after so no water weight is what i am happy with. everyone says i look a lot leaner but i can't see it, sex drive isnt anything special since i'm jabbing 500mg test per week EOD sust injects. i just hope that i am a late bloomer and its t minus anytime now

    how many of you guys have waited this long for test to kick in??
    i hope my **** is legit and its not just my food intake causing the weight gain alone.

  2. #2
    i am on weed 6 also, well the end of it. I am up about 12-14 lbs. I am on test & deca & dbol. I gained alot of weight quick when on the dbol the first 4 weeks, but the scales haven't moved since. I hope i take off also!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by monkeyjuice
    i am on weed 6 also, well the end of it. I am up about 12-14 lbs. I am on test & deca & dbol. I gained alot of weight quick when on the dbol the first 4 weeks, but the scales haven't moved since. I hope i take off also!
    how much of your gains do you think is water?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    What kinda test are you running. Some people it just takes longer. Lets hear what everyone else has to say

  5. #5
    hardly any, i never hold water. I am lean, i don't know my exact body fat, but i can see all my abs, so i know its low.

    when i was on sust, i didn't make any of my gains till week 6, then from there i just kept gaining weight. I gained like 18-22lbs of 500mg of sust/wk. Lost some weight during pct. Still bro, 8lbs in six weeks is good if its lean muscle.

    how long is your cycle? 10wks or 12wks?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by monkeyjuice
    hardly any, i never hold water. I am lean, i don't know my exact body fat, but i can see all my abs, so i know its low.

    when i was on sust, i didn't make any of my gains till week 6, then from there i just kept gaining weight. I gained like 18-22lbs of 500mg of sust/wk. Lost some weight during pct. Still bro, 8lbs in six weeks is good if its lean muscle.

    how long is your cycle? 10wks or 12wks?
    well i was hoping 12 but might be a bit short so hopefully at least 11, i hope!

    it relieves me a bit too know it took 6 weeks for you too bro on sust, still got my fingers crossed. want to get to over 220lbs hopefully 225 and leaner which i think is still possible if its yet to take off.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by SGFuryZ
    STAY AWAY FROM THE SCALES. If you must, measure yourself every couple weeks, but I promise you no matter what, you won't be happy. Instead, try focusing on improving the image in the mirror, rather than increasing/lowering the number on your scale...
    yeah its hard to stay away just get to curious!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I hardly ever weigh myself anymore.....i can guess within 1 1/2-2lbs everytime anyways......Its a mind f uck

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    I only weigh myself once a week or every other week, just to make sure I'm not losing any weight. Doing it every day just gets too discouraging cause of the weight flux. I just go by what the mirror says now, cause I'm at the point where putting on weight is getting really hard. I'm on pct right now doing 6000-6,500 calories just to maintain my weight. the scale pretty much reads the same all the time, but I'm growing so that's what's important.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Boston MA
    The scale really isnt my concern either, the mirror is what counts, I know that my weight will be in a range of 210-230.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Boston MA
    Amen brother sgfury, can I get a witnessss-ahhh!!!!

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