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Thread: theory of short cycles (MODS?)

  1. #1

    theory of short cycles (MODS?)

    okay, let me get this straight. i have dug up a lot of info on these short cycles lasting no more than 3 weeks. the whole idea is not for super gains but rather modest results. a few reasons for them are safety and easier or faster recovery. i have been thinking that i may give one of these a try in the near future but i still have one question. i want to make sure that what i heard about the body taking about 3 weeks to shut down the htpa is correct. i read that just the hypothalamus shuts off right away but the pituitary keeps working for about 3 weeks? is this correct? i mean is there real hard scientific proof of this occuring in humans or is this just theoretical? i mean if i am going to attempt a short cycle, then i would want recovery to be a breeze. otherwise, it just wouldn't pay.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Maybe im a little of on my physiology but i dont think that the hypothalamus shuts down completely. Your "internal clock" is located here telling controling your raphe system and things of the sort. Also it controls mood and homeostasis in the body.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    LI, NY kidd!!
    bump for info....very interested

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Tried many times unsuccessfully for almost everyone. You get a peak and valley effect to hormonal levels with minimal amount of time for growth; too short of a time to maintain and adapt to a new setpoint and metabolism, and every disadvantage to hpta shutdown.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheedno
    Tried many times unsuccessfully for almost everyone. You get a peak and valley effect to hormonal levels with minimal amount of time for growth; too short of a time to maintain and adapt to a new setpoint and metabolism, and every disadvantage to hpta shutdown.
    pheedno, you said that you get every disadvantage to hpta shutdown. hypothetically speaking, if gains were of no concern, what is the longest amount of time one could stay on (orals only) without experiencing every disadvantage of hpta shutdown? maybe not 3 weeks but how about 2? i know this sounds silly but i am still interested. thanks.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Shut down is shut down. If exogenous hormone is introduced, it's going to cease stimulation of LH, no matter what length of time. It is common that the longer the cycle, the more extensive the PCT needs to be; but thats why it's best to find a medium that promotes the most growth, while offering a productive and effecient recovery. With such a short cycle, your PCT won't need to be as extensive, but you also have not created enough time for the body to adapt to the gains; so ultimately, your more suceptible for loss than with a cycle of length wich offers a graduall progression of adaption

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheedno
    Shut down is shut down. If exogenous hormone is introduced, it's going to cease stimulation of LH, no matter what length of time. It is common that the longer the cycle, the more extensive the PCT needs to be; but thats why it's best to find a medium that promotes the most growth, while offering a productive and effecient recovery. With such a short cycle, your PCT won't need to be as extensive, but you also have not created enough time for the body to adapt to the gains; so ultimately, your more suceptible for loss than with a cycle of length wich offers a graduall progression of adaption
    oh, thanks for clearing that up. one more question. you said that the shorter the cycle, the shorter recovery will be. in your best estimation (b/c i know everyone is different) how long do you think recovery would take from a 2 weeker of 25mg proviron and 30mgs anavar daily? just out of curiousity.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    No way to diffinitively conclude that. I'd still run a 3-4wk PCT. i consider that bare minimum.

    I do think you'll be dissapointed if you decide on that cycle though

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheedno
    No way to diffinitively conclude that. I'd still run a 3-4wk PCT. i consider that bare minimum.

    I do think you'll be dissapointed if you decide on that cycle though
    what do you consider bare minimum? the 3-4 week pct? even for such a short cycle?

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