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Thread: Low Dosages

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Low Dosages

    Basicaly im have gyno and im getting surgery in 2 weeks, i havent taken a cycle in about 3 1/2 years. I am definetly taking a cycle after surgery, as of now i have 2 bottles of eq 1 bottle of test E and 1 bottle of stan 50. along with nolv and clomid. My question is what is wrong with taking my eq at 400mg/wk and test E at a lower dosage 250mg/wk. Everyone says to run your test higher than eq, but what is the reason for that. Im not looking to gain 30lbs just to add a little size and stay hard and lean.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Well if your worried about gyno, why dont you run nolva and liquidex throughout your cycle. This is a full proof plan against gyno. Did you run anti e in your cycle you got gyno?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Consistency
    Well if your worried about gyno, why dont you run nolva and liquidex throughout your cycle. This is a full proof plan against gyno. Did you run anti e in your cycle you got gyno?
    no I was young and very stupid didnt run any anti E's. I have read and studied the PCT pretty well I understand what i need and how to take it, but i know i am gyno prone. And i still read on how some people on here are taking like 500mgs of test/wk and some winny while running nolve and still getting gyno and the scars the **** out of me, I dont want to deal with gyno again.

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