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Thread: To Juice or not to Juice that is the Q?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    To Juice or not to Juice that is the Q?

    hey ive been of training for sum time now i had a crash and lost all of my enthuisam, the question is that i have tried to get back in to training but i cant with out jucie i have no will power at all when i walk in to the gym my mind tells me to push more but my body cant take it.

    do u think i shud go on a cycle now and start lifting to the calibre i was b4.

    i have 1 previous cycle under my belt it was sust @ 500mg per week for 6 weeks and i blew up every day i increased wieght on the scaeles and the weights,

    i was think of
    1-4 dbol 25mg pd
    1-13 deca 400mg pw
    1-15 test enth 500mg pw

    let me know

  2. #2
    first of all, Sust doesn't even kick in till week 5 or 6.

    i would get back in the gym first and get your body back in shape, then turn to the juice at a later time.

    i would up the dbol to 30mg ed, and only run the test 1 week past the deca. Inject 2 times a week, and start pct 2 weeks after last shot of test e.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    i would say definitly not... if you have no motivation to lift now then why would juice change that? because you think you have to lift while your on? it takes more dedication then doing it because you have to bro.... take some time off give yourself a little break, then start back up again.... maybe try changing gyms or something (change up the scenery)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    i kinda feel like you need to get your body back to where it was or at least in good shape before you use AS. however, i have read stories where people have used AS during rehab and actually improved much faster...the only problem is i dont know if these stories are true of false. Maybe someone else has more experienced in this

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    try somethin else first bro. get your motivation back first u got any bbuilding videos? look at one before u hit the gym get in a groove first for like a month get your mind and body back in the heavy iron liftin then cycle. if u start the cycle with low steam i dont think it will give u the mental boost u need

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    ok so get back in to the gym get in to the flow of things start lifting keep the weight comfortable in the begining then incresase slightly, after a month revalute my progress, right?

    also i hear wht ur sayin about the sust kicking in at 6 weeks but i blew up of that gained 3 stones

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    The OC aka Tits and Ass!!
    I believe sus kicks in to the fullest extent after week 4..but due to the 50mg of prop in it you will feel it right away..but you just have to look at the esters to see when it will fully kick in...Plus you were probably doing well in diet and training at the time since you knew you were juicing..

    I'd train hard and eat a lot and once you're in the groove then start the drugs is worth in the long run

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    theres only 30mg of prop in 250mg and if he was only doing to two shots a week you aint gonna feel sh*t from 60mg of prop a week

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    why r u telling me wht i felt and how much weight i gained, bodys can react differently to steriods im asking u guys for help and all i get is this bu11sh1t (not directed to the folks who had and have helped me)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    wait it out

    dont go on juice just to get yourself in the gym, you should want to workout before you start a cycle, not start a cycle to get yourself in the gym

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    safe thanks for the comments, and i will go by wht u guys have advise me on.

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