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Thread: Help Me!! Lift/steroids

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Help Me!! Lift/steroids

    I've been out of the scence for lifting for like 2 1/2 months football plus injury = me sitting out.. I'm about to get back to the gym.. in like a week i'm strong i'm sure I will be as well dont lose much. How long should I lift before I start the sauce? Or you think it would be ok to go rite in, I was thinking I should let my joints get used to the regular lifts instead of throwing them into some **** they can't handle right off the bat...IDEAS?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    try to lift for at least a month or two before you start back on the sauce, the first few weeks you should grow very quickly the muscle you had already loss. Wait untill your gains have started to cease then you can start back on the sauce train.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    on the dip rack.
    thats like taking your classic muscle car that took you years to build, and drag racing it down a dirt road goin 120 mph cuzz your buddy bet he could beat you.horrible idea.

    get back in the gym, lift and lift HARD untill you reach your GENETIC peaks.honestly unless you can hop back in the gym and deadlift 600 or bench 500 or somethin like that you shouldnt be worried too much about your joints. pending on what gear you take, it would most likely help you out(lubrication).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by itsallmental
    thats like taking your classic muscle car that took you years to build, and drag racing it down a dirt road goin 120 mph cuzz your buddy bet he could beat you.horrible idea.

    get back in the gym, lift and lift HARD untill you reach your GENETIC peaks.honestly unless you can hop back in the gym and deadlift 600 or bench 500 or somethin like that you shouldnt be worried too much about your joints. pending on what gear you take, it would most likely help you out(lubrication).
    Well my joints are just beat the hell out of from football, I had to get a cortizone to calm them down... I'm cyclin some decca so I think that will also help get the joints lubricated up...

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