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Thread: deca qv 300 and teston qv 200

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    deca qv 300 and teston qv 200

    Hey guys this is my first cycle and i have 10cc of deca qv300 and 10cc of teston qv 200 I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on a good cycle.
    and can anyone tell me what kind of results i can expect gain and keep and can i mix both in 1 needle. and what happens if i dont take any clomid or anything after the cycle. will my test levels come back naturally
    any help is greatly appericated thank you all

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    ALways have a good pct such as clomid with any cycle, also have nolvadex on hand just in case, its even a good idea to use it in your pct

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    New York, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by vaio
    Hey guys this is my first cycle and i have 10cc of deca qv300 and 10cc of teston qv 200 I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on a good cycle.
    and can anyone tell me what kind of results i can expect gain and keep and can i mix both in 1 needle. and what happens if i dont take any clomid or anything after the cycle. will my test levels come back naturally
    any help is greatly appericated thank you all
    first off you need to do some reasearch, secondly you need more test, thirdly YES of course you need clomid PCT unless you dont want to regain ur nat. test and keep your gains, and fourth DO SOME MORE RESEARCH....

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Bartleby
    first off you need to do some reasearch, secondly you need more test, thirdly YES of course you need clomid PCT unless you dont want to regain ur nat. test and keep your gains, and fourth DO SOME MORE RESEARCH....
    your gonna need another bottle of Deca 300, and 2 more bottles of Teston 200.

    Your deff gonna need some PCT.

  5. #5

    deca & teston

    Hi i'm ussing deca & teston this is my 2nd week, with 1 mland 1 ml of each one every week , the way i'm taking it, it's ok or some one could tell a better way.

  6. #6
    how many time you recomend the cycle of the deca and teston, too see any effects.

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