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Thread: The SO called FREEZER TEST.....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    in the GYM

    The SO called FREEZER TEST.....

    Hey bros,
    I have a buddy who lives by the freezer test, personal. I tell him its crap and wouldn't want to put any of my gear in the freezer...but He just got some new gear and told me that it didn't cloud up in the freezer so now he thinks its crap, its from an UG lab,
    Is there any truth to this process, any website with scientific proof that it works or doesn't so i can print it off, and show him,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    San Diego
    I dont know. I believe there are better ways to test your gear.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    i don't believe it one bit.

  4. #4
    IF the gear is solvated in a minimum of solvent then freezing it would cause it to precipitate and clould the solution. But that is assuming that it is suficently concentrated. Obviously if 400 Test clouded there would be no reason to expect a loser test concentration to do the same, but it would still be good gear.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    in the GYM
    so does that mean that the freezer test is legit, but if it doesnt cloud then the gear is still okay, I beleve he has prop 200mg/ml, said it didnt freeze, im using the same stuff now,

  6. #6
    the test means nothing.

    It only proves SOMETHING is in there, not what. And a negative test does not prove that somthing isnt in there.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    when i put a bottle of vodka in the freezer it clouds up but that does not mean I am going to go inject it. I do not really believe in this test.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by BrokenBricks
    IF the gear is solvated in a minimum of solvent then freezing it would cause it to precipitate and clould the solution.
    fairly accurate.

    the sust freezer test was semi accurate, semi- being loosely used, as solution was usually near saturation.. though now with most companies using high amounts of BA/BB this test is really "defunct"

    btw- the use of higher amounts of solvents is NOT a good thing

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    in the GYM
    I here ya,
    I think he read it in one of those roid books,

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
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    some tests will crash if put in the freezer - especially higher concentrations - but that doesnt show you what it is or how much - basically just tells you it isnt oil alone - but then again if it is a low concentration it may not crash even tho its legit

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    in the GYM
    but again, some how I need to get some solid evidence that proves either way, to show him

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    its a BS test in my opinion.

    by the way, did you say that his prop is 200 mg/ml??!!!??? thats gonna sting like a biatch.

  13. #13
    Solid evidence??? There is nothing direct, its just chemisty principles...

    "This process is based upon the fact that all compounds are more soluble in a hot solvent than a cold one"

    "The solution is allowed to slowly cool and crystals of the desired material form while the impurities remain in the solvent"

    That is taken from a crystallation procedure, which is essentialy what is happening when your solution clouds. The thing is....crystall only form when the compund is forced out of the solution.

    For instance at 25 C you may be able to disolve 500mg of test in a ml of oil. At 0 C that may drop to 350mg/ml. So if you have a test at 25 C less that 500mg/ml its clear, you drop the temp to 0 C and 150mg/ml will "fall out" and cloud the solution, it was no where else to go as it is literaly forced out of the solvent. So the test "works" there. But all you really know is that you had SOMETHING in your vial which crysallized, but not what.

    So if the you throw it in the freezer and it clouds what do you learn? You have SOMETHING in your solution.

    What is if doesnt cloud? well that tells you even less. If you for instance had 200mg/ml test you would never expect it to cloud anyway becuase a ml of oil could (by the random numbers i picked) hold 350mg/ml. You are not saturating the solution.

    Anyway, i dont know if this is the 'proof" yopu are looking for but..try proving that
    1 + 1 =2 either you get it or you dont, its not the kind of thing you prove in a strict sense.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    ive had amps of karachi sust that failed the freezer test miserably but kicked @ss in the "solid weight gain after injecting" test... i just feel that the freezer test isnt something you can point to as an infalliable thing, as some novices may be led to believe.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    adrenaline high
    Quote Originally Posted by monstercojones
    ive had amps of karachi sust that failed the freezer test miserably but kicked @ss in the "solid weight gain after injecting" test... i just feel that the freezer test isnt something you can point to as an infalliable thing, as some novices may be led to believe.
    yeah, i did the same thing with my last sust amps and they failed, but the scale, mirror and poundages said otherwise.

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