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  1. #1
    Taurus is offline Member
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    Feb 2004

    Smile My First Cycle...please Critique!!!

    I'm 6'1, 185 lbs, 25yrs of age and have been workin out on and off for a couple of years.

    After much reading on this brilliant site, I have come up with the following for my first cycle:

    (My goal is to keep at least 15 pounds of muscle from my overall gains on the cycle after PCT...The question I ask is, will this cycle help me achieve my goal of 15lbs?)

    weeks 1-12 Test Enanthate @ 400mg p/w
    weeks 1-17 novaldex @ 20mg ED
    weeks 14-17 clomid @ 300mg day 1 & 100mg days 2-11 & 50mg days 12-21

    I am a little confused on whether to incorporate clenbuterol /proviron /HCG in addition to the above or will the above suffice? If you suggest any of these then which ones and in what doses should I add them?

    I also am wondering whether I should kick start the cycle with 4 weeks of dbol as I have some handy or will the planned cycle be enough to gain my goal of 15lbs?

    I would be very gratefull for any feedback from guys who have experience with this cycle in regards to gains and side effects and how they counterracted them and in in general what I can look to expect from this cycle. If anyone has any suggestions as to how I could make the cycle more efficient then please help.

    I know it varies from person but, If done right, on average, what kinds of gains can one expect from this cycle and after PCT, how much can one expect to keep (with and without the dbol)?

    I thank everyone in advance for all your help.

  2. #2
    Rhino58's Avatar
    Rhino58 is offline Senior Member
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    I would run something along with that test. Since it is a slow ester, you need something to give you a boost at the beginning of your cycle. Dbol 35mg ed for 4 weeks.

  3. #3
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Is there a reason for 3 of these?

  4. #4
    Taurus is offline Member
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    I didnt understand ur question PHEEDNO...what 3?...u mean clen /proviron /HCG ?

  5. #5
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    I mean threads

  6. #6
    Braz_Machine's Avatar
    Braz_Machine is offline Associate Member
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    Your first cycle is the one you will make the most gains on. Be sure not to F**k it up. That means eat right and eat enough, get enough sleep and train hard. Do not exceed one hour of training as you might overtrain. Keep your workouts short and intense. Leave the gym still hungry to train. This way you are already looking forward to tomorrows workout. Try to do cardio seperate from weight training. You will see better results this way. Yes 3-4 weeks D-bol to jump start your cycle. All you need is the D-bol, Test, Nolv, and clomid for a first time user.

    Good Luck,

  7. #7
    Taurus is offline Member
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    Feb 2004
    in terms of three threads....when i was kept saying 'website not responding'....i thought that the thread had not gone thru so i tried to send it again...but now that i see three posts it looks like it did...i'm sorry...i think its cuz of my comp...

  8. #8
    TheOak182's Avatar
    TheOak182 is offline Associate Member
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    Braz is right...don't phuck this up!!! One thing that you got to do that a lot of people my age don't is change your lifestyle. I am in a fraternity, and I USE to drink like a fish but as soon as i started my cycle i stopped everything!!! Including going out late! So make sure with eating right and getting lots of sleep and that you also cut out any other element that could hurt your training (like alcohol, pot, etc.) If you are really serious, all you will want to do is EAT, SLEEP, TRAIN, AND HAVE LOTS OF SEX!!!

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