I know this should technically go in the cycle results forum, but i felt like this would be great for newbies to read, and to help keep them away from deca only, winny only, or any other cycle w/o test...
My cycle was spposed to be d-bol/test/tren..(see my sig for doses and length)...but i only ran the tren for a few weeks due to some loss in sex drive so i dont feel the tren had anything to due with what i acomplished.
END RESULTS- ran d-bol @30mg ed for 4 weeks, and test 500mg EW for 15 weeks.
- Starting weight was 186...today i weighed 207...thats 21 pounds gained...i ran l-dex throughout and am only holding minor amounts of water...and BF only went up MAYBE 1-2%...all lean mass....
- Strength went way up...especially on legs...
- My body improved extremely well in my bigger muscle groups, b/c i stuck to heavy core basic lifts....really happy with my legs and back...
If you dont want to do a test only cycle for your first you are retarded...if you do the cycle rightyou can put on lean mass w/o putting on lot of fat...and get bigger...save the winny, and var, and tren for later cycles down the road...im glad i cut my tren out now b/c im well pleased with my result....
By the way...this was cycle number 2 for me...for my first i did test/deca/tren...and im WAY more pleased with this one
TEST IS BEST!!!!!!!!!