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  1. #1
    Brownd9111 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2004

    Arrow Help With Cycle Any Suggestions?

    Im benching 285lb max right now, would like to break 300lb. I work out in the gym 3 days a week. Monday chest/triceps. Wed. Back/Biceps. Friday legs. i spent maybe 1to 1 1/2 hrs during workouts. My goal is to break 300 as stated and to bulk up in size then lean out and cut it up later. Ive used past cycles of (deca , D-bol, and test) and had great result. If you could input or plan out a cycle or split it up into two or three cycles and tell me what else i need to add. Thanks

    I have all my gear but need to know how to utilize it to its best potential. If you can help me out. Products include.

    50x anadrol 50mg
    10x sustanon 250
    50x winstrol 50mg tabs
    10mL QV enanthate 250mg
    10ML QV Deca 300mg
    50x Clomid

    Thank you for your help

  2. #2
    magicstick2003's Avatar
    magicstick2003 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oct 2003
    personally i think you need more gear bro... 10mls of enant is about 5 weeks worth and you would want to run it 10-12...... 10 sust amps not even close to enough... that **** needs to be injected i think EOD to get the most out of it but lets say u did it only once a week thats only 5 weeks as well... 50 clomid should be enough (assuming they are 50mg pills) but i see no nolvadex that would be a good thing to have as well.... i think you need more of pretty much all your shiznat man before an effective cycle can even be considered

  3. #3
    Consistency's Avatar
    Consistency is offline Extraordinarily Exorbitant
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    Oct 2003
    just pick one kind of test... either way you will need more test

  4. #4
    Kdog@usi's Avatar
    Kdog@usi is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2003
    I don't know how your other cycles were laid out but If I were you I'd try to get rid of the sust and get some more test e. then you might run it @ 500 mg wk. for 12 weeks the deca at 300 week for ten weeks, and kickstart the first four weeks with the A-bombs. start with 50 mg/d should be sufficiet. (that is if you want to use all three compounds) If you train hard eat and sleep enough you would blow past that 300 lb mark on that cycle! First let us know exactly how much juice you used on those other cycles so we can judge how much gear u might be ready for now.

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