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  1. #1
    Totenkopf is offline Associate Member
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    Just got back from Iraq (hello all)

    Just came Home a few weeks ago. was deployed for 10 months. Couldnt work out at all. I lost pretty much 50 lbs over there been back at the Gym for 2 weeks now. im gonna give myself 3 months before getting back to the good Liquid fun. Ive done 6 cycles in last 4 yrs mostly Sust and deca .
    Was looking to do a EQ and Winny Cycle to put a good quality base back on. Then grow from there. Any thoughts or tips on a possible cycle with these two. Ive never done either one so any advice would help.
    yes Iraq sucked pretty bad but had some good fun too.
    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    Welcome back...........
    The answer to your every question


    A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
    to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
    one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.

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  3. #3
    Consistency's Avatar
    Consistency is offline Extraordinarily Exorbitant
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    Well, Im glad you made it back safe!

    But you are gonna need to stack some sort of test with EQ and winny. I suggest prop since it seems like you wanna stay pretty lean. Here is my suggestion:

    wk 1-15 prop 75mg ED
    wk 1-12 EQ 400mg
    wk 10-15 Winny 50mg ED
    wk 1-15 Nolva 10mg ED
    start PCT 3 days after last prop shot

    This is a cycle i want to run in the future, it will yield lean quality gains. Good luck! Oh yeah, you might like the qoute in my sig....
    Last edited by Consistency; 02-20-2004 at 04:03 PM.

  4. #4
    powerlifter's Avatar
    powerlifter is offline Anabolic Member
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    welcome back Bro and thanks

  5. #5
    Totenkopf is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks guys. Its good to be home just kinda wierd seein green and colors. and not holding my rifle :]

    Only problem Is i can only get Sust for test right now and i really didnt want to hit the sust again unless i had to

  6. #6
    Totenkopf is offline Associate Member
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    Hows this look
    Sust 250 once a week 10 wks
    200mg Eq 10 weeks
    50 mgs winny EOD 5 weeks
    of course clomid at the end.

  7. #7
    MedicalStudent is offline Junior Member
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    Welcome back. I don't mean to flame you, because I hope you realized like so many other soldiers how the US government fooled the masses by declaring war on innocent people.

    Being an African American Muslim, I sympathize with my fellow Iraqi brothers who are now being occupied by crUSAder forces.

    I converted to Islam after my best friend came back from the First Gulf War and himself turned Muslim. He was disgusted when he realized that he was just like the Nazi forces occupied Poland. (Of course, Iraqis are not white and so inferior in intellect/being...and they as inferior brown people require that the arrogant and superior american white men show them the way.)

    May Allah Almighty free all those under occupation!

    I welcome you back, Soldier. I hope you, like my friend, have realized first-hand the horrors of the American imperialist armies.
    Last edited by MedicalStudent; 02-20-2004 at 05:10 PM.

  8. #8
    bigbouncinballs's Avatar
    bigbouncinballs is offline Senior Member
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    If America is in your mind synonymous with the Nazi's, then why would you choose to live here, just to bitch and moan. IMO you should probably pack your bags and get your ass to Baghdad. You'd be happier there, and i'd be happier with you gone.
    everyone has their own opinions.

    Welcome back bud, and thank you from the bottom of my heart. alot of my bro's are still over there but i hope to see them soon, and if i don't, i know they, like you, are doin' what they gotta do.

    thank you again.
    Last edited by bigbouncinballs; 02-20-2004 at 05:17 PM.

  9. #9
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    Dude......... i do mean to flame you.. (at least i am being honest)

    You have to decide what you are..

    are you

    1st an american
    2nd a black man
    3rd a muslim (your religious belief)

    or are you


    we are all proud of this mans dedication to duty...honor in his service, and loyalty to his country.....

    obviously these are all things that are foreign to you...

    we can start a fund for ya.. get you a 1 way ticket to your fatherland../???

    Quote Originally Posted by MedicalStudent
    Welcome back. I don't mean to flame you, because I hope you realized like so many other soldiers how the US government fooled the masses by declaring war on innocent people.

    Being an African American Muslim, I sympathize with my fellow Iraqi brothers who are now being occupied by crUSAder forces.

    I converted to Islam after my best friend came back from the First Gulf War and himself turned Muslim. He was disgusted when he realized that he was just like the Nazi forces occupied Poland. (Of course, Iraqis are not white and so inferior in intellect/being...and they as inferior brown people require that the arrogant and superior american white men show them the way.)

    May Allah Almighty free all those under occupation!

    I welcome you back, Soldier. I hope you, like my friend, have realized first-hand the horrors of the American imperialist armies.
    The answer to your every question


    A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
    to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
    one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.

    If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
    we do not approve nor support any sources that may be listed on this site.
    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
    Don't Let the Police kick your ass

  10. #10
    MedicalStudent is offline Junior Member
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    My friend, BigBouncin.

    Why do I choose to live here? Perhaps because my ancestors were brought in chains here and forced into slavery. Perhaps you have never heard of slavery or the suffering the African Americans went through.

    Does this answer your question why I am here?

    But you really misinterpreted what I was saying. Firstly, I don't have anything innately against America. I am African American, born and raised here. I only have something against the imperialistic neo-conservative administration that is hell-bent on war. There are MANY Americans who are not like this and realize that the imperialistic approach by Bush and the Neo-Cons is only a recipe for disaster.

    And how could I go to Baghdad when the American occupation forces are busy raping it?

    It is typical for un-educated ignorant men to spit vitrolic like "go back home"....little do they realize that they themselves are on stolen land...built on the backs of black slaves and on the corpses of brown native americans. And anything that cannot be comprehended, then the solution is to spit out "go back home". Typical, considering that the average American soldier comes from the lower segments of society...not the brightest bunch...most of them don't even know where Iraq is on the map...have no conception of history, geography, or anything...just going there to play Rambo and blow up "those **** Ay-rabs".

    Listen, I don't mean to offend you. But please realize and sympathize with the suffering of those who are oppressed. Take care, my friend.
    Last edited by MedicalStudent; 02-20-2004 at 05:22 PM.

  11. #11
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    That was your brothers that sold you into slavery........... we didn't send an army and take you...........

    Quote Originally Posted by MedicalStudent
    My friend, BigBouncin.

    Why do I choose to live here? Perhaps because my ancestors were brought in chains here and forced into slavery. Perhaps you have never heard of slavery or the suffering the African Americans went through.

    Does this answer your question why I am here?

    But you really misinterpreted what I was saying. Firstly, I don't have anything innately against America. I am African American, born and raised here. I only have something against the imperialistic neo-conservative administration that is hell-bent on war. There are MANY Americans who are not like this and realize that the imperialistic approach by Bush and the Neo-Cons is only a recipe for disaster.

    And how could I go to Baghdad when the American occupation forces are busy raping it?

    Listen, I don't mean to offend you. But please realize and sympathize with the suffering of those who are oppressed. Take care, my friend.
    The answer to your every question


    A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
    to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
    one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.

    If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
    we do not approve nor support any sources that may be listed on this site.
    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
    Don't Let the Police kick your ass

  12. #12
    bigbouncinballs's Avatar
    bigbouncinballs is offline Senior Member
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    everyone is oppressed at some time in their lives

    you're here because we brought you in chains, that sucks, i don't see any chains now. Go home.

    just another note, africans are the only people left still bitchin' about slavery. Check the history books, there were alot more than you and your people so drop it.

    In fact there is quite a bit of "slavery" still going on as we speak.

    What are you doin' about that?

  13. #13
    MedicalStudent is offline Junior Member
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    You guys really aren't the brightest bunch here. Let me repeat what I typed when I edited my entry:

    It is typical for un-educated ignorant men to spit vitrolic like "go back home"....little do they realize that they themselves are on stolen land...built on the backs of black slaves and on the corpses of brown native americans. And anything that cannot be comprehended, then the solution is to spit out "go back home". Typical, considering that the average American soldier comes from the lower segments of society...not the brightest bunch...most of them don't even know where Iraq is on the map...have no conception of history, geography, or anything...just going there to play Rambo and blow up "those **** Ay-rabs".

    And you two, now defeated, must rely on ad-hoc attacks like "why dont you go home?" Go home to where? Who said I wanted to go back to Africa, my dim-witted friends? Does anyone that speaks out against the government supposed to "go back home"...whatever that means. Typical hick mentality. Not something un-expected of course, considering that the vast majority of you here are un-employed losers, or if employed, make less than $40,000 a year.

    Good job finding those WMDs, soldiers of America. Congratulations.
    Last edited by MedicalStudent; 02-20-2004 at 05:28 PM.

  14. #14
    TRE's Avatar
    TRE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Screw you Medicalstudent get your ass out of our country. Anyways

    The cycle you propose isnt a good one.

    Sust needs to be injected atleast every third day and atleast 375mg a week

    I would run something simplar if you want once a week injections like

    weeks 1-13 500mg enth or cyp
    weeks 1-12 400mg eq
    Nolv 10mg and liquidex.25 a day
    pct two weeks after last injection of clomid and nolv.

  15. #15
    MedicalStudent is offline Junior Member
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    Screw you Medicalstudent get your ass out of our country. Anyways
    First, you bring me here in chains and then you say get out? Hmm....

    And "your" country? I doubt this claim. Your ancestors, like the Nazi forces, exterminated the Native Americans, to whom this land truly belonged.

    It's amusing to see how the IQ levels here are typical of what most people stereotypically imagine when they hear the word "meat-head". Stick to cycles, because when it comes to politics or anything that requires brains, you are inept.

  16. #16
    ADRENALINErush02 is offline Junior Member
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    Look here buddy we should be praising the soldiers who risked their lives for those of us who are proud of the great country we live in. Instead someone like you with your biased anti-American attitude who downgrades our country. You tell are friend here he shows typical hick mentality then I guess you have typical hate mentality. People like you are the reason we cant have peace.

  17. #17
    bigbouncinballs's Avatar
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    **** straight we took it, it's too bad the indians couldn't get their numbers together in time, goes to show what a little organization can do. And i don't apologize a bit for it. Land has been conquered and reconquered time and time again since the beginning of civilization. Why should that change, because bleeding heart liberals say so?

    Please don't call anyone ignorant on this board, personally, i have just been accepted to a pretty tough law school... still uneducated and ignorant. med students aren't the only bright lights.

    "built on the backs of slaves" gotta have someone to organize those slaves.

    I say go home because home is something that you care for deeply. Home is something worth fighting and if need be, dying for. You obviously would not sacrifice a thing for your "education" and cush surroundings afforded to you by these soldiers of America, so maybe you should find a place you feel more comfortable about exploiting.

    I reiterate, GO HOME

  18. #18
    powerlifter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MedicalStudent
    You guys really aren't the brightest bunch here. Let me repeat what I typed when I edited my entry:

    It is typical for un-educated ignorant men to spit vitrolic like "go back home"....little do they realize that they themselves are on stolen land...built on the backs of black slaves and on the corpses of brown native americans. And anything that cannot be comprehended, then the solution is to spit out "go back home". Typical, considering that the average American soldier comes from the lower segments of society...not the brightest bunch...most of them don't even know where Iraq is on the map...have no conception of history, geography, or anything...just going there to play Rambo and blow up "those **** Ay-rabs".

    And you two, now defeated, must rely on ad-hoc attacks like "why dont you go home?" Go home to where? Who said I wanted to go back to Africa, my dim-witted friends? Does anyone that speaks out against the government supposed to "go back home"...whatever that means. Typical hick mentality. Not something un-expected of course, considering that the vast majority of you here are un-employed losers, or if employed, make less than $40,000 a year.

    Good job finding those WMDs, soldiers of America. Congratulations.
    way to hijack a thread

  19. #19
    TRE's Avatar
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    By the way I am a double major and history is one of them. I also happen to be native american. I dont preach to the choir about how my people were driven off lands 200 years ago.

  20. #20
    powerlifter's Avatar
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    Typical hick mentality. Not something un-expected of course, considering that the vast majority of you here are un-employed losers, or if employed, make less than $40,000 a year.

    Yeah .... IRAQ has a high standard of living

  21. #21
    MedicalStudent is offline Junior Member
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    Look here buddy we should be praising the soldiers who risked their lives for those of us who are proud of the great country we live in.
    Typical meat-head logic. What did the soldiers do for Americans except consume money that could have spent on education? There were no WMDs in Iraq, and Iraq posed no threat to America whatsoever. Please make sense.

    Instead someone like you with your biased anti-American attitude who downgrades our country.
    I am not anti-American. Only against the administration and the neo-cons in power. There are many good Americans, and I am one of them.

    You tell are friend here he shows typical hick mentality then I guess you have typical hate mentality. People like you are the reason we cant have peace.
    The sheer irony of your comment. I AM THE REASON WE CAN'T HAVE PEACE. What about those people who go with rifles to another country to forceably occupy it? YOU are the one against peace, not I. You are for WAR and DESTRUCTION. I am for peace, and was against the war in Iraq.

    Seriously, please speak intelligently. It really helps.

    **** straight we took it, it's too bad the indians couldn't get their numbers together in time, goes to show what a little organization can do. And i don't apologize a bit for it. Land has been conquered and reconquered time and time again since the beginning of civilization. Why should that change, because bleeding heart liberals say so?
    You should hear what you are saying. Might makes right? You would make a really good Hitler. Hitler said the EXACT same thing as you.
    Last edited by MedicalStudent; 02-20-2004 at 05:37 PM.

  22. #22
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    1)QUIT BITCHING AND TAKE IT TO A THREAD THAT IS YOURS. hijacking threads is not nice.

    Welcome back bro, tre lined up a good cycle. could throw some prop in there to kick it off.

  23. #23
    powerlifter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by symatech
    1)QUIT BITCHING AND TAKE IT TO A THREAD THAT IS YOURS. hijacking threads is not nice.

    Welcome back bro, tre lined up a good cycle. could throw some prop in there to kick it off.

    Symatech is right on - keep the preaching where it belongs - best of luck on your cycle Bro

  24. #24
    MedicalStudent is offline Junior Member
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    "built on the backs of slaves" gotta have someone to organize those slaves
    It is completely inappropriate to speak in such a callous way of slavery, and is offensive to African Americans everywhere. It speaks of your hick mentality and lack of erudition in general.

  25. #25
    powerlifter's Avatar
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    Quit hijacking threads -

  26. #26
    bigbouncinballs's Avatar
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    moving to "patriot/anti-patriot" thread in the AR lounge to stop the hijacking.

  27. #27
    TRE's Avatar
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    I wish I was a moderator right now.

  28. #28
    ADRENALINErush02 is offline Junior Member
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    This medstudent needs to get kicked off the boards, he doesnt seem to be here for the same reasons we are. Go take your nonsense to some political message board. Were here to get educated on the use of anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing drugs as well as the sport of bodybuilding.

  29. #29
    someday's Avatar
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    First off this isn't the place for this discussion. The man came here asking for cycle advice. Second though there were no WMD found the leader of that country was assisting terrorists and also oppressing and murdering thousands of people a day. IF those two reasons aren't good enough to go in and forcibly occupy a country i dont know what is. You need to look at the big picture and not jump on the against the war bandwagon. Why dont you go educate yourself on what was really going on in irag and ALL the reasons we went in, not just the WMD. Its real easy to be a monday mornin quarterback, its alot harder to be the coach.

    ill get you your 40 acres and a mule tomarrow because i know how hard its been pickin cotton all your life.

  30. #30
    bigbouncinballs's Avatar
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    go to AR lounge and post!!

  31. #31
    MedicalStudent is offline Junior Member
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    Last post on this. I DID NOT INTEND TO HIJACK THIS THREAD OR BREAK ANY RULES, and I did not.

    Hijacking threads? It was never my intention to do this. I simply made one post and it was YOU who jumped upon me. I only responded. I will cease responding , and I did NOT come to this forum to speak about politics. Run a search and you will see that I even asked advice before.

    And so please tell me, o dim-witted meat-heads: does being against the war in Iraq make someone un-partriotic?

    For your information, there were MANY Americans against the war in Iraq. MANY Americans who were pro-peace, and not war-mongerers.

    Take Care. Learn to expand your myopic viewpoints.
    Last edited by MedicalStudent; 02-20-2004 at 05:49 PM.

  32. #32
    symatech's Avatar
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    not where I want to be
    Quote Originally Posted by MedicalStudent
    Hijacking threads? It was never my intention to do this. I simply made one post and it was YOU who jumped upon me. I only responded.

    And so please tell me, o dim-witted meat-heads: does being against the war in Iraq make someone un-partriotic?

    For your information, there were MANY Americans against the war in Iraq. MANY Americans who were pro-peace, and not war-mongerers.

    Take Care. Learn to expand your myopic viewpoints.
    look buddy. i too was against the war. and i too use my brain. regardless, that doesnt chagne the fact that you are debating this in a thread which belongs to somebody else. if you are so mature than ignore "my fellow meat-head brothers" and leave. dont let the door hit you. you label us all dim-witted meat-heads....grow up

  33. #33
    bigbouncinballs's Avatar
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    ****it people, "Patriot/Anti-patriot" in AR lounge.
    how ****in' hard is it?
    this guy asked a AS question.

  34. #34
    MedicalStudent is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by symatech
    look buddy. i too was against the war. and i too use my brain. regardless, that doesnt chagne the fact that you are debating this in a thread which belongs to somebody else. if you are so mature than ignore "my fellow meat-head brothers" and leave. dont let the door hit you. you label us all dim-witted meat-heads....grow up
    Bro, I didn't mean "ALL OF YOU" and I never said that. Only the ones who couldnt resist calling me un-patriotic.

    As I said, I'll stop responding and had no intention of hijacking this thread or creating any disturbance whatsoever. In fact, I was sincerely hoping that the guy who came back from Iraq had a similar expereince as my friend who came back from Iraq in the first war.

    Look guys, take care. I'm just against the war. That's all. NO reason to yell go back to Africa. I find that racist and abusive.

  35. #35
    bigbouncinballs's Avatar
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    I am racist.
    It's natural.
    Now go to the lounge.

  36. #36
    BDTR's Avatar
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    MEDICAL STUDENT, this is your only warning. Keep your whiny left wing politics in the lounge and out of the steroid forum.

  37. #37
    Totenkopf is offline Associate Member
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    Well Im Glad I could Go and Risk my Life for you to be Able to bash a great and Noble cause. I guess thats what America is All about letting People Speak their mind evethough they are wrong and claim to be educated.
    I was honored to Go to Iraq and slay the enemies of My country and i hope i have that Chance again when we go to Afghanistan Next yr. You couldnt be more wrong about Soldiers bein from the Bottom Half of American Society. Any man or Woman that is willing to endure the hardships and Low Pay and be away from thier family and sacrifice so much for such and Undeserving Nation (Iraq) should be Honored and Praised not put down by a fool like you. But if you are an American(wich i question) you do have the right to speak your mind. Thanks to all those before me and after me. Not Cowards like yourself.

    Thanks to all of you that supported The troops it really did mean the world to us.

    Thanks for the cycle advice ill see if my Guy could get ahold of some better test. ive never been fond of Sust.

  38. #38
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    Spoken like a true gentleman. Lead the way.

  39. #39
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    welcome back

  40. #40
    USfighterFC's Avatar
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    medical student you are truly a human disgrace.....go over to Iraq and help your fellow "brothers" get the US out. You live life by a huge double standard and look at things as you see fit to virtually make your argument indestructable. My nazi ancestors you say? I guess Idi Amin is your ancestor and wait since you are african american you did enslave the Jews 5 thousand years ago didnt you? I hope we exterminate every one of your "brothers" over there and by that I mean the terrorists.....because you are nothing but an anti-american freak who lives off MY back by staying in this country. Go preach your bullsh*t somewhere else. Try and talk to some chechen rebels I'm sure you'll get along with those sick f*cks more than you'll ever get along with one of us.

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