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Thread: What to do to cut up while using enanthate

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    What to do to cut up while using enanthate

    What should I do to burn some excess fat. I have 3 1/2 weeks left with my 10 week cycle of test enanthate and I want to burn some of the extra fat I put on (mostly gained around my waist in which I dont want to keep until my next cycle). I have gained from 184 to around 205. I hope that I will gain around another 8 pounds before I am finished and start taking my pct. My only concern is if I start doing heavy cardio I will not gain any more and loose alot of what I gained. I was wondering if EPHIDRINE would be ok to take(I have Taken before when I am not doing a cycle). And what cardio do you guy recomend, sprints, cycling, walking, or efx machines.
    My Stats Before:
    While on (3 1/2 weeks left) :
    Wt. -205
    I have been taking 500 mg a week(every Tuesday and Friday)
    My End goal is to reach around 215-220 of solid muscle (8-10% bf). I already have winstrol, deca 300, Enanthate, nolvadex, hcg and clomid for my next cycle in which I will be taking 10 weeks after I finish so I can give my body a break.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    the fat around your waist is prob due to increased estrogen levels, are you taking any anti es? and it is not reccomended to try to cut bodyfat whill trying to gain weight, just not that a cutter to follow up.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    clen and light cardio can help

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    You wont be able todo much cutting on Enanthate bro, too much water retention and fat because of it, switch to prop or suspension and trenbolone.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by IGOTJUICE007
    the fat around your waist is prob due to increased estrogen levels, are you taking any anti es? and it is not reccomended to try to cut bodyfat whill trying to gain weight, just not that a cutter to follow up.
    I have nolva for my anti es, plus clomid for pct, I used to be really chunky around 215 then I lost over a span of 2 years down to 170 then started my way back up but with muscle this time. I tend to collect fat more on my waist than anywhere else. But I know how to drop the fat there because I used to have a ripped stomach even @ 180. What cutters to you suggest. because I am going to take winstrol in my next cycle 10 weeks down the road. I know i had to put on some excess bf but I still wouldnt mind to loose some. And If I were to take a cutter shouldnt I wait to give my body a rest?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    yes after this bulking cycle take 10-12 weeks off and then you can run a cutter cycle...

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Troyboy
    You wont be able todo much cutting on Enanthate bro, too much water retention and fat because of it, switch to prop or suspension and trenbolone.
    I read enanthate isn't bad for cutting, just alittle bloat. If you diet while on it, you'll be straight.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Shihonage311
    I read enanthate isn't bad for cutting, just alittle bloat. If you diet while on it, you'll be straight.
    the ester of test does not matter when diet, volume of exercise and training, and an anti-e is used in conjunction with one's goals.

    also, i think putting on another 8lbs that is anything other than fat/water would be difficult. of those 8 lbs you gain i am guessing only 1.5-2 at best would be new muscle.

    also, what is the rush to get to where you want to go? give your body a break after this cycle and see if you can make some gains without the juice. going from 184 to 225 and being 1-3% lower bf than when you began is not a goal that will be reached with your second planned cycle unless you understand your body down to a t.

    i see too many people make the mistake of thinking that 1 or 2 cycles will allow them to reach their ultimate goal. for most of us, that is wishful thinking and too ambitious. take your time and the fruits of your labor will come around full circle in the way of permanent gains and not just on cycle.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by daem
    the ester of test does not matter when diet, volume of exercise and training, and an anti-e is used in conjunction with one's goals.

    also, i think putting on another 8lbs that is anything other than fat/water would be difficult. of those 8 lbs you gain i am guessing only 1.5-2 at best would be new muscle.

    also, what is the rush to get to where you want to go? give your body a break after this cycle and see if you can make some gains without the juice. going from 184 to 225 and being 1-3% lower bf than when you began is not a goal that will be reached with your second planned cycle unless you understand your body down to a t.

    i see too many people make the mistake of thinking that 1 or 2 cycles will allow them to reach their ultimate goal. for most of us, that is wishful thinking and too ambitious. take your time and the fruits of your labor will come around full circle in the way of permanent gains and not just on cycle.
    Correct, the test is used mostly to keep strength up and maintain muscle mass as you diet, maybe even add alittle.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    cool, I am not planning to stop at my next cycle, I understand what yal are saying, thanks. I know that I need to take more cycles to reach my goals, It would be unrealistic to reach my goals with just my next cycle. Thanks, Dont get angry but what do you guys suggest I take after my next cycle. I got some ideas but I have a long time before I have to purchase anything.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Troyboy
    You wont be able todo much cutting on Enanthate bro, too much water retention and fat because of it, switch to prop or suspension and trenbolone.
    WHAT.....he has 3 wks left,what is fina going to do?Sorrt but very poor advice.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Consistency
    clen and light cardio can help
    Along with l-dex at .25gs ed

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Thanks for taking the time to answer my question.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    7,965's either bulking or cutting for me now. I have tried leaning down while on test E and it's not that good. Cardio on test sucks b/c of the pumps.

    Here's my 2 cents...bulk up...then lean down. It's hard to do both at the same time.

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