Originally Posted by
the ester of test does not matter when diet, volume of exercise and training, and an anti-e is used in conjunction with one's goals.
also, i think putting on another 8lbs that is anything other than fat/water would be difficult. of those 8 lbs you gain i am guessing only 1.5-2 at best would be new muscle.
also, what is the rush to get to where you want to go? give your body a break after this cycle and see if you can make some gains without the juice. going from 184 to 225 and being 1-3% lower bf than when you began is not a goal that will be reached with your second planned cycle unless you understand your body down to a t.
i see too many people make the mistake of thinking that 1 or 2 cycles will allow them to reach their ultimate goal. for most of us, that is wishful thinking and too ambitious. take your time and the fruits of your labor will come around full circle in the way of permanent gains and not just on cycle.