wuz up fellas, I am about to buy my first real cycle. I did one before of deca primo and some anadrol, but I had no diet and I had no idea what I was doing. Not that I am expert now, but I have spent days and nights reading threads and I am trying to put something together. Here is the plan I only have about 300 bucks to work with so here is what I had planned on getting:
1-8 primo depot (200mg) aweek
1-8 duratest (250mg)Organon) a week
I am currentlyat 5'11 196, with about 17%bf. I started doing cardio last week to drop bf some before I start. I know this cycle seems like nothing compared to what alot of you are running, but I thought it would be good for my first one. I know some of you suggest more test a week, but I really want to see how my body reacts to 250. If my body is taking it good I might up it to 500, but my receptors should really take the 250 in well. I am just looking for 8-10 lean lbs. for now.
I don't think i can get clomid but i could get hcg, would that be ok and how should I take that. I also have 3shots of enanthate that my buddy gave me, I am not sue if it has gone bad. He gave it tome 2.5 years ago and I just have it there. could I take it and where shoul I throw it in. I also 15 anadrol50 that I have left over from the last time i did it, could I throw those in anywhere. I still have aweek before I get this stuff so if anyone could give me suggestions I would appreciate it.
If i got prop instead of duratest would it be better!