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Thread: About to get Gear!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    About to get Gear!!!!

    wuz up fellas, I am about to buy my first real cycle. I did one before of deca primo and some anadrol, but I had no diet and I had no idea what I was doing. Not that I am expert now, but I have spent days and nights reading threads and I am trying to put something together. Here is the plan I only have about 300 bucks to work with so here is what I had planned on getting:

    1-8 primo depot (200mg) aweek
    1-8 duratest (250mg)Organon) a week

    I am currentlyat 5'11 196, with about 17%bf. I started doing cardio last week to drop bf some before I start. I know this cycle seems like nothing compared to what alot of you are running, but I thought it would be good for my first one. I know some of you suggest more test a week, but I really want to see how my body reacts to 250. If my body is taking it good I might up it to 500, but my receptors should really take the 250 in well. I am just looking for 8-10 lean lbs. for now.
    I don't think i can get clomid but i could get hcg, would that be ok and how should I take that. I also have 3shots of enanthate that my buddy gave me, I am not sue if it has gone bad. He gave it tome 2.5 years ago and I just have it there. could I take it and where shoul I throw it in. I also 15 anadrol50 that I have left over from the last time i did it, could I throw those in anywhere. I still have aweek before I get this stuff so if anyone could give me suggestions I would appreciate it.
    If i got prop instead of duratest would it be better!
    Last edited by SP1; 02-23-2004 at 05:40 PM. Reason: one more thing

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Looks good where its at for the first time using test. I would inject twice a week and you may be able to use the old test. Roids dont go bad for a couple years in general. As far as the A-bombs they will jump start your cycle but I would suggest getting atleast another weeks worth.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    i think i would extend the test 2 more weeks ( i think 12 is ideal) ... since it takes 4 just to really start to feel it and since you are running a relatively low dose i don;t think you would have to worry bout this extra 2-4 weeks affecting you in any way bad JMO

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Do not start your cycle if you can't get clomid. HCG will not recover your hpta and that recovery is what keeps your gains or causes you to lose them. Also, you did not mention anti-e's. You should run nolva daily with any test cycle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    8 weeks is too short Bro - you will just really be getting great results and your HPTA will be shutting down - Magicstick is dead on - extend another 2 or 4 weeks Bro if you can - also try to get at least another week or 2 of anadrol - best of luck - keep us posted

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifter
    8 weeks is too short Bro - you will just really be getting great results and your HPTA will be shutting down - Magicstick is dead on - extend another 2 or 4 weeks Bro if you can - also try to get at least another week or 2 of anadrol - best of luck - keep us posted
    thanks bro.I'll keep you updated!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by toolman
    Also, you did not mention anti-e's. You should run nolva daily with any test cycle.
    Agreed sorta...I would run if you sees signs of gyno if not save it and your $...but certainly have it ther in case...also I would run it 2-4 weeks longer...

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