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Thread: would 1mg of deca help?

  1. #1

    would 1mg of deca help?

    hi, ive seen all the comments everybody has given me and i realise doin a course of steds is a very bad idea. my bro suggested to me to just take 1mg of deca a week for a month or so to give me a boost..will this help and will i experience side effects of such a little amount?

    im also considerin goin the docs, i just cant think of how to say stuff to him! its embarrassing!

    help is much appreciated everyone, and i ain't no fake!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    1 ml a week will do nothing for you may friend, but experience will !.

    I'm not sure if I understand the rest of your thread.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    Like bouncer said 1ml won't do jack for you!

    You meant 1ml not 1mg right?

    Doctors will just give you the 2 hour lecture on how AAS are bad for you blah..blah..blah...

    If you have any questions fire away, there are no stupid questions on this board, the bro's and bra's here are more well informed than your doctor will be, most of us have ginnie pigged ourselves with every OTC supplements and probably every AAS in existance. So when someone say's do some research there not brushing you off, they just want you to be well informed before you jump ahead and take AAS.I've been training for 13 years and doing AAS for the last 4 years and I'm still learning ED.



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO


    No I didn't meen to ignore them, I'm just preparing him for the speech! If you say doc i'm going to be taking AAS can you help me?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I read your prev. post teenlad1. I'm not sure if I would go to my doctor and tell him "I'm going to do AS" It was suggested that you might have a low test. level , and if so, he might help by giving a perscription of test. to help you. Chances are though, your just a small person. I was the same way, I graduated High school at 102#'s. If you walk into a doctors office and tell him that your doing steriods. You WILL get a long speech, but No he won't turn you into the police (which you ask in a prev. post). He is there to keep you healthy, not to police you.

    But before you decide that your going to do AS. you have to realize there is a ton of things to learn. Some of these guys have been reading and studing steroids for years. Even the best here will admit they can still learn more. It's a never ending thing. Its like trying to fly a 747. No one can just jump into the seat and take off and fly. It takes alot of learning. Read, Learn, Ask questions. And dont have the attitude "I'm going to do steriods" Its better to have " I'm learning to see if steriods are right for me, and If I want to do them" Cuz you might find out. There is no way in Hell you would want to do them.

    Good luck.

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