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  1. #1
    jersey juice is offline Member
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    Nov 2001

    Jersey's 6 weeker

    What's up fellas, finally after taking 6 months off I'm gonna jump back on.... stats 5'11 210lbs 26yo been cycling for around 4 years and this is just one of many that I've done.... I'm thinking of doing a 6 weeker so that it's less stress on my body, not as long a recovery (was on for over a year and it took a good 3-4 months of continuous PCT) and I want to give myself time to recover so I can do another one around summer time. My main goal here is not so much for size, but for bringing out more definition while cutting up some. I've been making great results naturally and I'm at that last 5-10lbs and really want to up the diet and maintain my mass. Here's what I'm planning:

    wks 1-6 100mg prop ed
    wks 1-6 100mg winny ed
    between l-dex and femera ed to keep off bloat and any aromatizing estrogen
    the usual PCT but i like to run mine longer than usual

    Very simple and basic cycle, it's been my experience over the years that more isn't better and getting back to basics has always worked. I was considering possibly an oral to jumpstart, but the prop would cover that and I don't want the water retention. Also was thinking about throwing tren in there @ 75mg ed, but that shuts me down hard and I think I'd recover faster just leaving it out of the mix...

  2. #2
    TRE's Avatar
    TRE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Looks good if your plan is for short. Dont put in the tren unless you want to run the cycle longer. Tren needs to be run atleast 8 weeks and I would run the test 2 weeks past it to help your pct.

  3. #3
    Crankin'steiN's Avatar
    Crankin'steiN is offline Associate Member
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    I personally would not run any cycle under 8 weeks...... As far as recovery goes, yes you would recover faster... But I think the extra two weeks would yield greater results.... JMO really...

    As far as the tren , you know how your body reacts to that and if it shuts you down too hard then by all means leave it out. I do love tren tho.... LOL

  4. #4
    jersey juice is offline Member
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    Nov 2001
    I used to use tren all the time, but I found the average length of time to recover from it FULLY was about 3 months... I'm talking no sexual side effects whatsoever... I think I'll just leave the tren out. I'm only planning on doing 6 weeks just to gain some lean mass but more for definition and anti-catabolism. I found that after 6-8 weeks I wouldn't make anymore gains, and I've been doing this for a good amount of time... my body just stops responding. As for the tren, after 4 weeks it seems to stop working on me also....

  5. #5
    Crankin'steiN's Avatar
    Crankin'steiN is offline Associate Member
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    What you might want to consider since you say that your return diminsh after 6-8 weeks is this:

    You can up the dosage after 6 weeks to keep the gains coming....


    You can do a rotating cycle.... Which means you would do a certain stack for 6 weeks then change to a totally different stack, then 6 weeks after that change again...... This can be run for the length of time you choose..... But it should keep the gains coming because you switch up your stack to produce different and new result....

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