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Thread: Cut Or Bulk First?

  1. #1

    Cut Or Bulk First?

    hello all,

    here's the deal. I'm 5'9, 175 lbs, 14% BF. I am planning to start a cycle of sust (250 mg/wk) and deca (200mg/wk) soon. (oh and nolv./clomid as well)
    Anyway, my question is should i try to cut down on my bf before this cycle of after this cycle using ECA, clen, and T3. All help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    it depends on how you plan on dieting during the cycle.

    if you are going to eat fast food alot and not watch what you are putting in then it might make more sense to save your cutting gear for the end of your cycle when it will be most effective.

    if you dieted down first and your diet wasn't spot on you probably would put on some fat anyway.

    alot of bros (myself included) agree that bulking while your frame is used to carrying more weight is the best option. i personally can not do it the other way and diet first, hoping to gain back in muscle what i lost from fat.

    my recommendation is to use the cutting gear at the end of your cycle.

    btw, 250mg of sust is not even enough to replace the natural test that the body produces naturally each week. up it to at least 500mg/wk if you want any benefits from it since the deca is going to shut you down.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    first of all you probably need to up those dosages a bit. The sust needs to be injected eod for optimum results. someone else will be ablr to tell you whether to cut first or vice versa. I'm going to start a bulker and my bf is 12-14%, but thats just me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    imo do cardio and cut down with eca/clen before your bulker.....14% not bad, but deca/sus could add some unwanted not run t3 while not on cycle....agree with daem 250mg sus/week not enough.....bump it up
    can run clen and t3 throughout the cycle

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    you beat me daem.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Kdog@usi
    you beat me daem.
    im a bastard

  7. #7
    bulk imo

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