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Thread: Cycle and PCT?????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Anabolic Review

    Arrow Cycle and PCT?????

    Hey fellas, ive got a cycle coming up which i have a few questions about...i wanted to do a cutting cycle but realized id rather throw on some more mass 5'8 170 14% bf 21 years old

    this will be my 4th cycle.....the first 3 looked something like these
    cycle 1* sust 250 mg for 10 weeks
    cycle 2* sust 250mg for couple weeks...500 for couple weeks..back down to 250 for the remainder, and dbol 20-25 mg ed
    cycle 3* dbol 25,30,35,40 ed/4weeks, deca 200 for 2 weeks 400mg for 8 weeks and 200 for last 2 weeks, and cyp weeks 5 and 10 at 200 and 6-9 at 400(yes i made a mistake not running it all the way through, i learned from my mistake)

    This next cycle i saw im somones thread and liked the stack itself...
    1) are my doasages ok should i lower/raise some
    2) what kind of pct should i run, is just clomid ok and should anything else be needed

    weeks 1-6 Tren 75mg eod (first time with it)
    weeks 1-6 Prop 100mg eod (first time with it)
    weeks 1-10 EQ 400mg (first time with it)
    weeks 3-12 Enth 600mg (did cyp at 400)

    after reading how the tests have highly aromatize, ive been wondering if i should take anything else...i have some nolv on hand and havent put the order through yet so was planning on gettin clomid.

    as for the tren, i really like what ive read on it...and am lookin forward to taking it, but because of my source, the tren is a lil pricy and can only afford to do 6 u think i should take out the tren and replace it with something else, or will 6 weeks be ok? ive seen atleast 8 but when running it in THIS cycle would 6 get the job done??


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    not a fan of eod injects with tren and prop.....imo
    extend the eq 1 the enth all throughout the cycle, so 1-12(or toss out and run prop to week 13)
    run the tren 75mg/ed.....and the prop 75mg/ed
    6 weeks of tren ok, but ed is a must
    run the nolv 10mg throughout cycle, and 20mg during pct
    run .25ml l-dex ed throughout cycle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    sin city
    6 weeks of tren will do just fine specially for you first go with it will be glad to get off of it at 6 weeks
    sleeplessness , night sweats ect..
    just one thing bro do realize that in weeks 3-6 you will be running about 900mg of test..thats an awfull lot. specially since you have never gone above 400mg
    weeks 1-6 Tren 75mg eod (first time with it)
    weeks 1-6 Prop 100mg eod (first time with it)
    weeks 1-10 EQ 400mg (first time with it) run for weeks 1-11
    weeks 3-6 400mg Enth
    weeks 7-12 Enth 600mg (did cyp at 400)
    at week 14 start pct clomid
    300mg day 1
    100mg for 10 days
    50mg for 10 days

    one added note Ihave done about 4 cycles of tren and 75mg ed is a LOT
    not for a novice user
    Last edited by dumblucky; 02-27-2004 at 12:07 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Anabolic Review
    yes i realized that that was going to be alot of test andthat is exactly why i was hesitant and wanted all of your not lookin so much for water retention in this cycle so would u guys think it would be better to drop the enth all together and stick with the prop like asymm said??

    as for the tren, im thinkin because it IS my first time, that i wouldnt want to run 75 ed, if need be, and i dont get the results i want, for my next one i can then run it 75 ed because ill still be pushin 225 mg a week of it, that should sufice(sp?)??

    and for the eq, i think ill take 1 cc away on the first week and throw that into an 11th week? @ 200mg for then 1 and 11?
    Last edited by Jackt23; 02-27-2004 at 12:17 AM.

  5. #5
    bro if this is your 4th cycle and you weight 170, concentrate on your diet and supp's

  6. #6
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    Dec 2002
    Anabolic Review
    i know...the fist 2 were before i got that down and realized what was going last one i gained a good amount on but came off at the wrong time of the year and wasnt able to keep it on....but i have learned alot on here about dieting and supp's and im ready to do this right my 10 lbs of protein and im ready to go

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Anabolic Review
    So ill run the tren 1-6 @ 75 mg eod
    eq 1-11 1 @ 200, 2-10 @ 400, 11 @ 200
    but as for the enth and or prop....that is what im still curious about, what do u guys think would be best in this take both, or one and either way, at what doses??

    and any other thoughts on hcg, nolv, etc..??

    the clomid ill run like dumlucky stated, as ive read around here alot

    thanks boys
    Last edited by Jackt23; 02-27-2004 at 09:44 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    New York, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by Jackt23
    So ill run the tren 1-6 @ 75 mg eod
    eq 1-11 1 @ 200, 2-10 @ 400, 11 @ 200
    but as for the enth and or prop....that is what im still curious about, what do u guys think would be best in this take both, or one and either way, at what doses??

    and any other thoughts on hcg, nolv, etc..??

    the clomid ill run like dumlucky stated, as ive read around here alot

    thanks boys
    bro dont taper your doses...theres no need for could go with the enth and than finish with prop...something like this....

    wks 1-6 tren 75mg/eod
    wks 1-11 eq 400mg/wk
    wks 1-12 Test E 500mg/wk can leave it like this or run the prop from weeks 12-14 at 100mg/eod and than go right into PCT 3 days after your last shot....
    nolva 10mg/ed thoughout cycle
    clomid/nolvae for PCT...good luck...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Anabolic Review
    i appreciate the help guys but can anyone give another opinion if one of these cycles looks better then the others....i mean everyone has their own just looking for a second here because i have 2 or 3 choices..thanks jackt

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Anabolic Review

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by asymmetrical1
    not a fan of eod injects with tren and prop.....imo
    extend the eq 1 the enth all throughout the cycle, so 1-12(or toss out and run prop to week 13)
    run the tren 75mg/ed.....and the prop 75mg/ed
    6 weeks of tren ok, but ed is a must
    run the nolv 10mg throughout cycle, and 20mg during pct
    run .25ml l-dex ed throughout cycle

    you think proviron@25mg ED is a waste on this

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    i have mixed results with proviron.....for the money is does'nt harden me or counteract deca/fina dick so i'll lean towards nolv and l-dex every time

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