Hey fellas, ive got a cycle coming up which i have a few questions about...i wanted to do a cutting cycle but realized id rather throw on some more mass first....im 5'8 170 14% bf 21 years old
this will be my 4th cycle.....the first 3 looked something like these
cycle 1* sust 250 mg for 10 weeks
cycle 2* sust 250mg for couple weeks...500 for couple weeks..back down to 250 for the remainder, and dbol 20-25 mg ed
cycle 3* dbol 25,30,35,40 ed/4weeks, deca 200 for 2 weeks 400mg for 8 weeks and 200 for last 2 weeks, and cyp weeks 5 and 10 at 200 and 6-9 at 400(yes i made a mistake not running it all the way through, i learned from my mistake)
This next cycle i saw im somones thread and liked the stack itself...
1) are my doasages ok should i lower/raise some
2) what kind of pct should i run, is just clomid ok and should anything else be needed
weeks 1-6 Tren 75mg eod (first time with it)
weeks 1-6 Prop 100mg eod (first time with it)
weeks 1-10 EQ 400mg (first time with it)
weeks 3-12 Enth 600mg (did cyp at 400)
after reading how the tests have highly aromatize, ive been wondering if i should take anything else...i have some nolv on hand and havent put the order through yet so was planning on gettin clomid.
as for the tren, i really like what ive read on it...and am lookin forward to taking it, but because of my source, the tren is a lil pricy and can only afford to do 6 weeks....do u think i should take out the tren and replace it with something else, or will 6 weeks be ok? ive seen atleast 8 but when running it in THIS cycle would 6 get the job done??