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Thread: Injection questions...

  1. #1

    Injection questions...

    I just started a new cycle today, it looks something like this

    M1T 2Weeks@ 20mg ED
    Test Prop 100mg/EOD
    I have clomid and novla.

    When you inject after you pull the needle out do you ever get an blood come out? I did today, I sterlized it with Isopropxly Alcohol. Anyone? Secondly how should I run clomid on prop?

  2. #2


    FYI this is my first cycle with pinz....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    First question, the answer is yes. Many times you will pass through a vein. You want to make sure you aspirate each injection so you are sure you are not inside a vein. Passing through a vein is common and you inject into the muscle on the other side of it but when you pull the needle out you will see blood, this is normal.

    2nd question, someone else can answer, but prop is a short acting ester so it would be a short time period. What is the length of time you will be running prop?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    In the Fog with birddog
    Yes; 21g needle put a big, bloody hole in me once, only once, use a 23g now.
    Clomid for PCT with test-p; Start on third day after last injection. Saturate on day one with like 300mg, then taper down to 100mg per day for a week, then 50mg a day for a week or two. See how its going.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    If you are running your cycle very long, eod shots will get to you. You may want to consider going with cyp or enet. 250 e4d. I shoot ed and it is hard on me.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Too many shots for me!! I agree with Mart. You will tire of the shots very quickly. Blood coming from the injection site is very common. You may also note at times that some of the "product" may leak out (but not enough of to worry about )

  7. #7
    12 weeks in length.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Bro, if you're tunning prop 12 weeks, I highly suggest you get 25ga needles and rotate your inject sites.

    glutes get 23ga 1.5in, quads and delts get 25ga 1in. Injecting in those 6 sites EOD means you do not hit the same site more than once per 12 days, thats VERY good.

    Nicking or even going thru a vein is quite normal. Just be sure to aspirate to make sure you do not inject in the vein. With enough practice you'll get to feel when you're about to go thru a vein and avoid it. Nothing like ED or EOD shots to get lots of practice fast


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I got a few more shots and I am done. Had all I can stand.

    Quote Originally Posted by Red Ketchup
    Bro, if you're tunning prop 12 weeks, I highly suggest you get 25ga needles and rotate your inject sites.

    glutes get 23ga 1.5in, quads and delts get 25ga 1in. Injecting in those 6 sites EOD means you do not hit the same site more than once per 12 days, thats VERY good.

    Nicking or even going thru a vein is quite normal. Just be sure to aspirate to make sure you do not inject in the vein. With enough practice you'll get to feel when you're about to go thru a vein and avoid it. Nothing like ED or EOD shots to get lots of practice fast


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Man i LIVE for shots. I am on my first cycle and i can NOT get enough. I am in week three and can not wait for my next shot. I am seriously thinking about adding some fina in this cycle so i can shoot more and get even better results with this cycle.
    Peace i am out Fuller

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Northern Califas
    lol fuller the feind

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