Im 23 years old, 6'4, 235lbs........ ive been in the gym for about 7 years. In which 4 of them have been serious lifting years. I started Test200 when i was 18 and iv been off and on test/sust ever sense. maybe 4 or 5 cycles every once in a while. Ive doen the deca thing, and some primo's but never long enough to see results.When doing the test i was running close to 750 mg a week and iv been doing that for about 4 months now.No anti e's, nothing for the water weight! I took clomid about 2 months ago when i was trying to get off the sust and that was it. My steriod experience hasn't gone farther than that.
What i want to do is try and get off the test for now and figure out an awsome cycle! doing just test i got bigger but it was not real lean muslce! i felt big but not in shape. what i want is to get back to normal and clean my body out and in a couple of months get back to a good cycle. maybe a senior that knows his **** or if some one has any suggestion;s on how to get off all this test and get regular...