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  1. #1
    Swellin Guest

    Official Front Loading Thread

    Well maybe not official...but it got your attention.

    Let's have it from those of you who frontload.
    Do you just frontload your test or do you frontload all of your injectables?
    Give an example of your cycles and how you frontloaded them (dosages...and for how long).

  2. #2
    Mallet's Avatar
    Mallet is offline Anabolic Member
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    I have FL test in a couple of cycles...but found it to be a waist of gear, if anything, the results that showed up sooner were side effects.

    wk 1 1500mgs testoviron
    wk 2 1500mgs testoviron
    wk 3-12 750mgs testoviron
    I was stacking d-bol with this at 50mgs/day
    I was taking 2mg/day of arimidex as well but still got sore nips by week 3 or 4.

    Should of just run the test for 14 weeks at 750, definately would have been a better idea. It's still worth a try, maybe you'll react differently?

  3. #3
    BrownBomber's Avatar
    BrownBomber is offline Member
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    I cannot see why one would want to waste the 1st few weeks sitting on their a$$ waiting for sht to kick in. If you dont frontload it will simply take you longer to achieve maximum blood levels. Thus, essentially shortening your cycle. Yes it is that cut and dry. There is no need to frontload short-acting esters such as DBol , Tren , ABombs, etc. But long-acting estrs such as Deca , Cyp, Primo, Eq, etc. are an abosolute must!

    Try it and youll feel the diff. within a week.

    My Frontloaded Cycle was..

    Wk1-8 Sust250 EOD (with 500mgs for the first 3 shots, a 1500mg frontload)
    Wk1-9 Tren at 100mgs ED (200mg frontload for first shot. wasnt necessary though)

    Basically for a frontload you double your weekly dosage for the 1st week.

    Wk1-10 500mgs of Cyp (1st week use 1000mgs Cyp)

    Wk1-12 1000mgs of Deca (1st week use 2000mgs DECA)---This is JUST an example so relax.


  4. #4
    LuvMuhRoids's Avatar
    LuvMuhRoids is offline Anabolic Member
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    I front load test. I agree with Brown Bomber. I like to front load test and try to reach the saturation phase as quickly as possible and get to my desired plasma level. I agree also with not front loading short acting esters like tren . I have seen it done but its in and out so fast I dont think its necessary or suggestable.

  5. #5
    usualsuspect's Avatar
    usualsuspect is offline Anabolic Member
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    I frontloaded Eq before but the difference was minimum. I think kickstarting a cycle with a short acting ester is a much better way to convserve the time it takes for a longer acting ester to kick in.

  6. #6
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    I feel it's a wate your better off jump starting.......... All your doing is using up more gear to peak blood levels when you could have just used that gear and ran it a few weeks longer........ With the higher dosages you then risk more sides.

  7. #7
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
    asymmetrical1 is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    I feel it's a wate your better off jump starting.......... All your doing is using up more gear to peak blood levels when you could have just used that gear and ran it a few weeks longer........ With the higher dosages you then risk more sides.

  8. #8
    Swellin Guest
    I posted this on another board, and Mud's advice is about the norm for what I am hearing over there too.

    Keep 'em coming guys. This could turn into an invaluable thread for someone considering FL.

  9. #9
    BrownBomber's Avatar
    BrownBomber is offline Member
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    "All your doing is using up more gear to peak blood levels when you could have just used that gear and ran it a few weeks longer"

    Exactly and now you don't have to run your cycle longer. By the time my buddies and I hit the 8 week (with frontloading) we're ready to stop. Before we frontloaded our cycles we would just be starting to make gains by the 8th week and would want to keep going......not good. I don't want to be on a cycle for 3-4 months at a time. I want to get my gains and get off.


  10. #10
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrownBomber
    "All your doing is using up more gear to peak blood levels when you could have just used that gear and ran it a few weeks longer"

    Exactly and now you don't have to run your cycle longer. By the time my buddies and I hit the 8 week (with frontloading) we're ready to stop. Before we frontloaded our cycles we would just be starting to make gains by the 8th week and would want to keep going......not good. I don't want to be on a cycle for 3-4 months at a time. I want to get my gains and get off.

    Longer cycle allow you to keep your gains a lot easier........ No matter if you front load or not IMO 8 weeks is too short.... Like I said you are only peaking blood levels and the possible sides out weigh any benifits of front loading.
    Last edited by TheMudMan; 02-29-2004 at 02:10 PM.

  11. #11
    dumblucky's Avatar
    dumblucky is offline Member
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    I have tried frontloading and decided its not worth it.. Didnt do much for me ..everyone is difrent so perhaps try it and see if its for you

  12. #12
    D-END's Avatar
    D-END is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dumblucky
    I have tried frontloading and decided its not worth it.. Didnt do much for me ..everyone is difrent so perhaps try it and see if its for you
    Well put, different strokes for different folks

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