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Thread: On cycle diet help???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Taco Bell

    On cycle diet help???

    as some of you know i just started my first cycle last week consisting of 400mg eq q4d and 500mg test-e q4d. right now im im 207 w/ 13-14 bf%. As of recently i found myself in a diet rut and i need some advice; here is my situation:

    It could be placebo but the EQ is making me hungry as a horse. its like i eat a huge meal 2 chicken breasts, 2 cups of cottage cheese, and 2 cups of a rice or potato's and like 30 minutest later i need to eat again. its kidna starting to get out of control. i dont suppose thats a bad thing, but because im in class ALL fukin day and when i not there im either in the gym or studying (Aparently you have to go to school a lot when your getting your to me). So i have subjected myself to protien shakes.....and lots of them. At my current rate i polish off one of those 5 pound buckets from allsportsnutrition every 7-9 days. each shake consists of like 12-16 oz of milk and two scoops of mix lets say 60 ish grams of protien per shake and i drink about 5-6 or more each day...i lose count.

    IS this bad??? should i try to get more of my diet in real food or is this a blessing in discuise (i know i spelled that wrong but its 2 am and i'm not gonna look it up, pharmacy doc not english doc btw )

    fyi my real food intake looks something like this

    breakfast roastbeef or ham sandwich (i dont do eggs and bacon stuff, hate that stuff) MUCHO meat like 3/4 of an inch or so

    lunch - chicken or fish, cottage cheese, salad, veggies...whatever looks good

    dinner Chicken or fish, cotage cheese, and potato's or rice

    thats it for real meals, then add protien shakes.

    sorry if the grammer is jumbled...i've been studyin all day and im just finishing up my last shake so i can go to bed hehe

    and input is good input thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Out of Control
    You need to eat at least 5-6 meals a day. You need to eat more food. Protein from food sources are immensely better then a protein shake. If it comes down to it, you can use a protein shake as a replacemnt, but not as a daily source of protein. 1.5-2 grams of protein per lb of bodyweight. One solution to the problem could be to make all your food for the day the night before. I'll stress again, YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED TO COMSUME PROTEIN FROM SOLID FOOD SOURCES. Also, the EQ hunger is in y our head as it take 3-5 weeks before EQ's anabolic properties and hunger kicks in. One more thing to add, try to avoid drinking so much milk with your protein. Gives you a soft look, and you are taking in too much fat. Good luck with your diet and training.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Out of Control
    Oh yeah, try not to take in too many carbs during pm hours, (dinner and beyond) Stick to GI carbs, brown rice, yams, oatmeal. I have been sticking with this sort of diet for a few months now and trust me, it's worth it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Taco Bell

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