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Thread: Would greatly appreciate some advise on starting a mild cycle

  1. #1

    Question Would greatly appreciate some advise on starting a mild cycle

    I'm 39 yrs old, 204 lbs., and in good health. I would like to start a mild 6 week cycle of Nadrolone Decaonate. It was suggested I start with only 100 mg. per week just to see how I feel. I am not looking for anything resembling body builder proportions; I just want to get a little bigger so I can get some good internet pictures (I'm half joking and half not). Is 100 mg enough to get started for some growth or should I at least be doing 200 mg.? Please note that I already take 1.25 cc of delatestryl testosterone every two weeks for my low testosterone level. I would greatly appreciate some advice.

    Lastly, how many mg. is in a 2ml. bottle? None of the threads seem to deliver accurate answers on this; just a lot of guessing.

    Thanks for any help offered.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    most likely the deca will be 200mg/ml, so you will have 400mg in one amp. i have seen others that are only 100mg, but they aren't as common.

    200mg/wk would be the minimum i would run it since you seem to be getting around 300mg of test EW. that would be a nice stack for you and it is mild enough to minimize any sides.

    for future reference, when you look at the concentration, just multiply that # by the ml in the vial or amp.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    post your diet and training exp.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Just a litte advice with long lasting esters you need to run them for 8 weeks minimum and sometime up to 12 weeks.

    If you are going to run deca you should start with no less then 200mg and run it for atleast 8 weeks

    If you are going to run deca you need to run some form of test with it. The test must be higher then the deca so 300mg+ is neccessary. Some common test are cyp and enth. Run either one week longer then the deca. This will be better for pct.

    You may want to get some anti-e's for your cycle, nolv, liq-x, arimidex, proviron, femera. Liquidex and nolv are some of the more common ones taken.

    Make sure you have pct ready before starting.

  5. #5
    I just rechecked my order and a 2ml bottle = 200 mg bottle. So you're suggesting 200mg per week instead of 100 mg. and adding on the 1.5 cc of testosterone every two weeks?

    As far as diet goes, can you offer any insights?
    I really appreciate it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Test enth or cyp needs to be injected at least once a week. Stick around a while and read up on all the questions about begginner cycles.

  7. #7

    Re- anti e's

    Are anti e's available over the counter or do I need to order them as well?

    Quote Originally Posted by TRE
    Just a litte advice with long lasting esters you need to run them for 8 weeks minimum and sometime up to 12 weeks.

    If you are going to run deca you should start with no less then 200mg and run it for atleast 8 weeks

    If you are going to run deca you need to run some form of test with it. The test must be higher then the deca so 300mg+ is neccessary. Some common test are cyp and enth. Run either one week longer then the deca. This will be better for pct.

    You may want to get some anti-e's for your cycle, nolv, liq-x, arimidex, proviron, femera. Liquidex and nolv are some of the more common ones taken.

    Make sure you have pct ready before starting.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    depends on where you live, in the us they need to be ordered.

  9. #9
    6 weeks!?!?!? bah, go at least 10 or 11.

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